Typora Theme Next Versions Save

A theme for Typora, inspired by hexo theme NexT.


3 years ago

This release fixed caret color in code blocks for dark theme.


4 years ago

Dark version added.

This release includes a dark version of NexT and several minor adjustments, including NexT style break line, table head, and typesetting.

There would be four CSS files. Just take what you need if you don't want to blow up your Typora's theme menu. Helvetica version should be copied together with a light / dark version 'cause it relies on it. You don't need to install fonts manually.


4 years ago

This release fixed issues with line-height and font size when exporting pdf.

However, the font size in PDF file and HTML file differs and I haven't got a solution. If you found the exported font size doesn't suit you, you could adjust the --export-font-size variable at the top of the CSS files.

You don't need to install font manually. Just drag CSS files and next folder to your Typora theme folder.


4 years ago
  • Fixed an issue with monospace font.
  • Minor adjustments.

Note that Glow Sans might look worse on non-HiDPI screens.


4 years ago

This is the first version of NexT for Typora.

Include styles for checkbox, underline, sidebar, and typos and a Helvetica version.

Unzip and drag all files except readme to your theme folder. Note that Chinese display may have some issues on non-HiDPI screens.