Type Arango Save

🥑 TypeArango manages ArangoDB collections, documents, relations and routes by taking advantage of TypeScript typings.

Project README


Powerful decorators for ArangoDB Foxx Apps when working with TypeScript.

TypeArango manages ArangoDB collections, documents, relations and routes
by taking advantage of TypeScript's typings. It comes with a fast and easy to use permission
, provides an ORM, event listeners, documented endpoints as well as plenty of
other tools to make it fun to build ReST APIs in a declarative & elegant manner.
TypeArango is probably the fastest way of setting up documented & validated endpoints.


⭐ Features


💨 Shortcuts


🌞 TypeArango is in development and will receive additional features. Contributors wanted 🙋

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📝 Example

The example will setup a User entity stored inside a Users collection with a total of 6 documented routes.

Various other examples of how to use typeArango with certain features can be found in the 📘 examples folder.

import { Document, Entity, Type, Collection, Entities, Route, Authorized, Index, Related, Attribute, OneToMany, RouteArg } 
  from 'type-arango'

// `User` document entity
@Document() class User extends Entity {
    @Index(type => 'hash')
    @Attribute(str => str.email())
    email: string
    name: string
    @Authorized(readers => ['viewer','admin'], writers => ['admin'])
    @Attribute(nr => nr.min(0).max(100))
    rating: number
    createdAt: Type.DateInsert
    @OneToMany(type => Address, Address => Address.owner)
    addresses: Related<Address[]>

// `Users` collection
@Collection(of => User)
    creators => ['guest'],
    readers => ['user', 'admin'],
    writers => ['viewer', 'admin'],
    deleters => ['admin']
@Route.use('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'LIST')
export class Users extends Entities {
        path => ':id/addresses',
        roles => ['viewer'],
        summary => 'Returns User Address[]'
    ) static GET({param}: RouteArg){
        const user = Users.find(param.id)
        return user.relation('addresses')
        path => 'query',
        $ => ({
            id: $(String).required()
        roles => ['guest'],
        summary => 'Runs a query'
    static QUERY({_, param: { id }}: RouteArg){
        return _ `FOR item IN Items
                    FILTER item.id == ${id}
                    RETURN item`


⚡ World's fastest way to create documented endpoints

TypeArango uses the provided entity types to validate and document routes, for example a simple @Route.all creates five fully documented routes with a role system in place.

Swagger Screenshot Screenshot from ArangoDBs Web Interface


🛫 Getting started

1. Setup ArangoDB Foxx service

If you don't have a foxx service running yet, you can create one by using arangodb-typescript-setup.

TypeArango requires ArangoDB 3.4.4 or newer.


2. Install

yarn add --D type-arango


npm i --save-dev type-arango


3. Create the Entities

Read the 📘 Examples or dive into the 📗 API Reference


4. Setup

typeArango() has to be called before the entities are imported, it returns a function to be called after the decorators have been applied. It takes an optional 📝 Configuration argument.


import typeArango from 'type-arango'

const complete = typeArango({
    // Configuration

export * from './User'



5. Create routes

When using the @Route decorator, it is required to provide the Foxx.Router to TypeArango by calling createRoutes(router).


import createRouter from '@arangodb/foxx/router'
import {createRoutes} from 'type-arango'

// Initialize all entities before creating the routes
import * as _Entities from 'shared/entities'

// Create the foxx router and hand it to type-arango
const router = createRoutes( createRouter() )

As the routes are built by the @Route.* decorators, it is required to import all entities before calling createRoutes(Foxx.Router).


📚 Documentation

Read the 📘 Examples first, then dive into the 📗 API Reference.


🌻 Credits

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Type Arango" Project. README Source: RienNeVaPlus/type-arango
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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