Tunneller Versions Save

Allow internal services, running on localhost, to be accessed over the internet..


5 years ago

This release features two real-changes, and a small number of cleanups:

  • The message-passing between the client and the server is improved to be a JSON object.
    • This allows us to upgrade it over time.
  • The client has been updated to include a simple GUI.
    • This allows you to have a brief overview of how the tunnel is working.

The GUI might be expanded over time, or could stay as-is. It might be more interesting for the client to present a HTTP-server - as ngrok does - that would be possible, as the most recent requests could be replayed or displayed.


5 years ago

This release improves reliability and stability by a huge amount, by removing the integrated websocket server and instead replacing it with an MQ-queue for transport purposes.

The actual operation of the client is unchanged. You will still run:

  $ tunneller client -expose  [-tunnel=tunnel.steve.fi]

However the server setup now been changed, such that you must run a queue instance. This is documented in the README.md file, along with the required setup.

It is hoped that the next release will remove the requirement for an additional external service, by using an integrated queue with the server. This is being tracked in #5 if you wish to offer help, or follow progress.

The legacy tunnel-server, which used the websocket transport, will be retired tomorrow.


5 years ago

This release is mostly focused upon the internal implementation:

  • Comments have been overhauled.
  • We previously used a single mutex for all "stuff", now we use two:
    • One for adding/removing new connected clients.
    • One on a per-websocket basis.
      • To be honest I'm not sure if I need this. Websocket read/writes are blocking, which is a pain.
      • But basically I want to make sure the proxying stuff doesn't interfere with the keepalive stuff.

There should be no significant visible changes in this release.


5 years ago

This is our initial, working, release. It is numbered 0.3 solely because it took me a couple of attempts to get the CI uploads working.

There is room for improvement, and bug-reports are welcome. It is being made despite the young-age of the project to ease testing.