TsGui Versions Save

Custom GUIs in ConfigMgr

4 years ago

Version Release date: 16 Jun 2019

*New features Added TsGui_IPSubetMask4 and TsGui_IPSubetMask6 to hardware evaluation

*Fixes Fixed TsGui_DHCPServer not getting all values when multiple NICs are installed

*Known issues An issue has been seen in the latest Windows 10 ADK where a DLL is missing, causing an error in WPF based apps like TsGui. For more details and workarounds, see the following articles: https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/comments/9me9vn/workaround_for_adk_1809_wpf_display_issue_replace/ https://www.imab.dk/workaround-fixing-crashing-wpf-forms-in-powershell-after-updating-to-windows-10-adk-v1809/

6 years ago

============================================ Version Release date: 1 July 2017

*Fixes When using an OptionValue query as the result for a IfElse query, a change in the source for the OptionValue would not trigger a re-evaluation of the IfElse. A change on the result will trigger an update Added additional rule to ignore NoAssetInformat when querying BIOS for ComputerName GuiOptions

*Known Issues

  1. If running ADK 1703, you now have to add WinPE-HTA in addition to WinPE-NetFX. See here for details: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/commercialize/manufacture/desktop/winpe-add-packages--optional-components-reference
  2. In a DropDownList, adding individual options to groups is not supported on .Net 4.6.0 or .Net 4.6.1. A bug in .Net will cause intermitent crashes. This applies to ADK for Windows 10 1511. Please upgrade your 1511 boot images to ADK 10 1607 if this applies to you. For more details on the .Net bug, see here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1660886/system-windows-controls-combobox-coerceisselectionboxhighlighted-bug

7 years ago

============================================ Version Release date: 16 April 2017

*New features Added "OptionValue" query type to query other GuiOptions a.k.a. option linking. See Config_Linking.xml for examples Added "IfElse" query type to set values based on conditional logic Added "LinkTo", "LinkTrue", and "LinkFalse" query types. These are query types are shorthand for common IfElse queries Added "Combined" query type to put multiple query results together Added AND/OR functionality to rules for compliance, validation, and IF queries Added support for multiple lines in InfoBox. Use \r\n for newline Integrated NLog for logging. This can be configured in NLog.config (which also contains links to documentation) Added logging view to LiveData window. Added ID field for option linking to LiveData window Added hardware evaluation values to LiveData Added "TickCross" compliance GuiOption. Identical config to TrafficLight. Added CornerRadius formatting option for buttons Added ability to set the selected option in a DropDownList via query using <SetValue> config Standardised config piece that sets values for a GuiOption, e.g. <DefaultValue>, <DisplayValue>, <SetValue> etc, to <SetValue>. Old values will continue to work

*Fixes General code cleanup and optimisations.

7 years ago

============================================ Version Release date: 15 March 2017

*New features Added ability to added each option in a DropDownList to a group (see known issues). If group is disabled the option will be removed from the dropdown. See Config_Groups_and_Toggles.xml Added IncludeNullValues options for queries. If one of the properties is null/empty, setting this to false will stop it being included in your query result

*Fixes Fixed issue queries weren't always returning the expected results Fixed crash caused by queries that returns a null WMI property Tweaked example power test compliance rule to allow for multiple batteries

*Known Issues

  1. In a DropDownList, adding individual options to groups is not supported on .Net 4.6.0 or .Net 4.6.1. A bug in .Net will cause intermitent crashes. This applies to ADK for Windows 10 1511. Please upgrade your 1511 boot images to ADK 10 1607 if this applies to you. For more details on the .Net bug, see here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1660886/system-windows-controls-combobox-coerceisselectionboxhighlighted-bug

7 years ago

Fixed issue where image wasn't being sized as desired

7 years ago

Added compliance a.k.a. pre-flight checks. This is a new TrafficLight GuiOption. Added image support. See Config_Images.xml for examples Added ability to add GuiOptions to the header area Added image tag to header to add an image/logo in the right hand side of the header. Added ability to add multiple toggles to a single Checkbox or DropDownList GuiOption Added additional rule options for validation (also available in compliance) Added right and left panes to the page area. See Config_Images.xml for examples Added ability for validation and compliance rules to deal with and build rules on null values. Added config_demo.xml for an example with a combination of configuration options

*Fixes Fixed ShowGridLines option not always behaving as expected Changes for better error handling

7 years ago

*Fixes Fixed an issue where if the NoDefaultValue option was used with a DropDownList used as a toggle, the groups would be enabled rather than disabled.

7 years ago

*New features Added <NoUI> section for creating task sequence variables without displaying anything in the GUI Added NoDefaultValue attribute to DropDownList. User will be prompted to select a value Added validation options to DropDownList. You can now make specified options invalid based on group/toggles Added "Equals" rule type for validation

*Fixes VMware Workstation VMs are now detected as virtual machines Validation error popups are now more consistent in displaying on the correct side Improved error handling of invalid RegEx expressions

7 years ago

*New features Added WindowLocation option to control where the window is positioned. Set the StartupLocation to Manual to set a manual position. See Config_Formatting.xml

*Fixes Fixed inheritance not working for the <PurgeInactive> options

7 years ago

Version Release date: 17 Nov 2016

*Fixes Fixed issue where invalid characters not being removed properly when FreeText default is set from a query.