TraND Versions Save

This is the code for the paper "Jinkai Zheng, Xinchen Liu, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Wu Liu, Xiaoping Zhang and Tao Mei: TraND: Transferable Neighborhood Discovery for Unsupervised Cross-domain Gait Recognition. ISCAS 2021" (Best Paper Award - Honorable Mention)


2 years ago
  1. CASIA_best_encoder.ptm: The best model of GaitSet model trained on the CASIA-B dataset.
  2. OULP_best_encoder.ptm: The best model of GaitSet model trained on the OU-LP dataset.
  3. CASIA2OULP_best_encoder.ptm: The best model of TraND model trained on the CASIA-B dataset and tested on the OU-LP dataset.
  4. OULP2CASIA_best_encoder.ptm: The best model of TraND model trained on the OU-LP dataset and tested on the CASIA-B dataset.