Tracker Android Versions Save

Offline location, Wi-Fi, cell and fitness tracking application with game elements


2 years ago

Add effort points earned with activity Add goals (for steps only now, will be expanded in future update) Add paged scrolling in session list (session list no longer show just 30 days of sessions) Target Android 12 Rewritten import and export to support Android 10+ Add logging Implemented statistics caching GPX is now supported on Android 5 and newer (was Android 8+) Removed external storage permissions as they are no longer needed And many more improvements


3 years ago

Add new statistics system (replacing old inplace) the new system has multi-threaded support, caching and more Improved heatmap to ignore very recent updates to position (so the heatmap is not artificially increased). Add basic support for Android R (not everything is supported yet, because of a lot of work required and dependencies that do not yet support it). It should mostly work though. Add new options to settings. Reworked sliders Updated more dialogs to use modern dialog style with style updates Updated permission system that asks for permissions a little better Replaced activity intent service with broadcast receiver (intent service is deprecated) Add new loading splash screen to make transition to activities that take longer to load nicer. Style update should no longer wait a frame causing blinking Updated styles for several components Add new summary stats Updated dependencies Rewritten style updating to be more reliable Fixed several style update issues Improved documentation And more...


4 years ago


5 years ago

The future releases will be purely offline. This was done because over time it became apparent, that maintaining both server and app is way too much work and is difficult to balance. Also changes to the Android API that limit Wi-Fi collections are another reason for this change.


6 years ago


6 years ago

This is the last release that is purely in java