Together App Versions Save

:ukraine: A self-hosted app for keeping track of employee wellbeing and dislocation during the Russo-Ukrainian war, with an interactive map.


2 years ago
  • Fixed a bug where jobs would time out for organizations with a large number of members in their Slack workspace.
  • Fixed a bug where the sync job would fail due to unique constraints on the slackId column.
  • Fixed a bug where using the email field from the session would not fetch the right member from the database if differences in capitalization or whitespace at the beginning or end of the string.
  • Improved error handling for calls to the Google API.
  • Improved the README based on feedback received from GitHub issues.

To update to this version, all you need to do is fetch upstream.


2 years ago

Initial release of Together App. Please see the README for more details.

Слава Україні!