Tnltk Versions Save

Whether you're a researcher, data scientist, or engineer, TNLTK is the ideal choice for your Turkish language NLP needs. With its comprehensive suite of tools and its focus on accuracy, TNLTK is the premier library for working with Turkish text data.


1 year ago

What's Changed 🛠

New Contributors 💫

Full Changelog:

Install Guide 🪄

  • The 2 - Pre-Alpha release of TNLKT marks an exciting milestone in its journey towards becoming a premier Turkish natural language processing library. Although this version may have some limitations and areas for improvement, we are eager to provide early access and gather valuable feedback. This release includes experimental features, which we hope users will find useful, and we are dedicated to continuously updating and enhancing the library based on your needs and suggestions.
  • Let's work together to create a top-notch library for Turkish natural language processing. 🦋🦋🦋
  pip install tnltk

Documentation 🌚📃

Examples 📑

Known Limitations 🛑

  • There may be some known limitations in this version. Please check the Issues page and contribute by reporting any current problems or sharing your ideas.

Reporting Bugs 🐛

  • If you find a bug in this version, please share it with us by using the Issues page. You can also contribute by sharing your experiences and ideas.

Contribution Guidelines 📜

  • Contribution Guidelines are available for anyone who wants to contribute to this open-source project. These guidelines make it easier for you to contribute correctly and improve the project.


1 year ago

TNLTK is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) library for Turkish language. The first version includes SentenceSplitter, Deasciifier, and Normalizer modules. The SentenceSplitter module allows for the separation of a text into sentences by considering Turkish non-breaking prefixes. The Deasciifier module converts an ASCII-only string to a Turkish string, taking into account the context of the surrounding characters during the conversion process. The Normalizer module contains methods to convert numbers in a given text to words in Turkish, remove punctuations and accent marks, and convert a string of text to lowercase for Turkish language.

TNLTK is currently in the pre-alpha stage of development.

This means that the library is still in the early stages of development and may contain bugs and unfinished features. We are continuously working to stabilize experimental features and add documentation, but users should be aware that the library is not yet fully tested or ready for production use. We appreciate your interest in TNLTK and encourage you to try it out and provide feedback to help us improve the library.