Timi Liuliang Echo Versions Save

A New Cross-Platform 2D 3D Game Engine


3 years ago

New Features

#469 Editor game mode support switch resolution -(all iPhone,iPad resolution) #603 Create texture atlas by import a lot of images #606 Create texture atlas by grid setting #628 ShaderEditor support change uniform's name #585 ShaderEditor add leap function #656 Sprite animation settings by timeline #666 TransformWidget support translation nodes #705 Support Import *.mesh resource from *.gltf #709 When building a project to an app, compress resources to pkg files #714 Lua add math.clamp function #734 Update Lua to 5.4 #731 Echo editor support mac platform #777 Echo build support mac platform #661 Echo build support android platform

Bug Fixes

#641 Res::get_file errors #784 Timeline panel memory leak



  1. download echo-0.0.606-mac.zip
  2. double click the zip get Echo.app
  3. drag Echo.app to /Application directory

If mac report Echo.app is damaged when you try to open it. you can run the command

xattr -cr /Applications/Echo.app

and then ctrl + click the app icon to open it.