Thumbcloud Versions Save

Thumbcloud is a file-sharing server to replace your USB thumbdrive.


5 years ago



This is a small release, with few new features. However, it tries to improve the experience for new contributors.

Disclaimer: The software is still in early development and misses some features. Furthermore, there are few bugs and maybe even security flaws. In a nutshell, you shouldn't use the software on an untrusted network nor with sensitive data, but feel free to try it out.

New Features

  • Improved Code quality
  • Simple icons feature
  • Open webbrowser automatically
  • Some bug fixes



  1. Download and unzip the right release for your computer (i686 = 32Bit, x86_64 = 64Bit)
  2. Open a CMD or PowerShell window in the unzipped folder (Shift + right-click and than select CMD or Powershell in the context menu)
  3. In CMD enter .\thumbcloud.exe %HOMEPATH% --open In PowerShell enter .\thumbcloud.exe $HOME --open Tipp: Enter .\thumbcloud.exe --help for more information.

Unix (macOS, Linux, FreeBSD)

  1. Download and unzip the right release for your computer (i686 = 32Bit, x86_64 = 64Bit)
  2. Open a terminal in the unzipped folder
  3. Enter the following command ./thumbcloud $HOME --open Tipp: Enter ./thumbcloud --help for more information.


5 years ago



This release marks a big milestone in the development of Thumbcloud, because it is the first version which can be used to share files. Uploading, downloading, browsing trough folders, creating sub-folders, all those essential features are now implemented. 😊

However, many features are still missing, for example it is not possible to delete files or folders, nor get the user notifications if the content of a folder changed. The application also requires the user to start it from the terminal.

Disclaimer: The software is still in early development and misses some features. Furthermore, there are few bugs and maybe even security flaws. In a nutshell, you shouldn't use the software on an untrusted network nor with sensitive data, but feel free to try it out.

New Features

  • File dependent icons
  • Added custom server name
  • Improved mobile experience (still much work to do)
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities (cross-site-scription and path-traversal)
  • Automatic local IP detection
  • File Uploading
  • Sub-folder creating



  1. Download and unzip the right release for your computer (i686 = 32Bit, x86_64 = 64Bit)
  2. Open a CMD or PowerShell window in the unzipped folder (Shift + right-click and than select CMD or Powershell in the context menu)
  3. In CMD enter .\thumbcloud.exe %HOMEPATH% In PowerShell enter .\thumbcloud.exe $HOME
  4. Thumbcloud now prints an IP in the terminal, open a Webbrowser and enter the IP in the addressbar (something like Tipp: Enter .\thumbcloud.exe --help for more information.

Unix (macOS, Linux, FreeBSD)

  1. Download and unzip the right release for your computer (i686 = 32Bit, x86_64 = 64Bit)
  2. Open a terminal in the unzipped folder
  3. Enter the following command ./thumbcloud $HOME
  4. Thumbcloud now prints an IP in the terminal, open a Webbrowser and enter the IP in the addressbar (something like Tipp: Enter ./thumbcloud --help for more information.


5 years ago


Many things have changed since the last release. The software still is in early development and misses some important features. Moreover, there are some security flaws (like path traversal). In a nutshell, you shouldn't use the software yet in "production", but feel free to try it out.


  • Select a folder from you computer to share
  • View the files in the browser and navigate trough sub-directories
  • Download any file in that shared folder
  • See the filesize in the browser

Not yet implemented features

  • Uploading files or creating new folders
  • System page



  1. Download and unzip the right release for your computer (i686 = 32Bit, x86_64 = 64Bit)
  2. Open a CMD or PowerShell window in the unzipped folder (Shift + right-click and than select CMD or Powershell in the context menu)
  3. In CMD enter .\thumbcloud.exe %HOMEPATH%
    In PowerShell enter .\thumbcloud.exe $HOME
  4. Open a Webbrowser and enter localhost:8080 Tipp: Enter .\thumbcloud.exe --help for more information.

Unix (every other operating system)

  1. Download and unzip the right release for your computer (i686 = 32Bit, x86_64 = 64Bit)
  2. Open a terminal in the unzipped folder
  3. Enter the following command ./thumbcloud $HOME
  4. Open a Webbrowser and enter localhost:8080 Tipp: Enter ./thumbcloud --help for more information.


5 years ago


This is a very early pre-release. The software is not beautiful nor secure or functional.

At the moment you can only view files from your own computer. The server launches on localhost:80.