ThemeMaster Save

EmulationStation theme manager for small screen devices running ArkOS, TheRA, RetroOZ, JELOS or UnofficialOS

Project README
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An EmulationStation theme manager for small screen devices running ArkOS, RetroOZ, TheRA, JELOS, UnofficialOS or NostixOS.

Following devices are supported : Gameforce Chi; Powkiddy RGB10, RGB10 Max/3, RGB30, X55 and XU10, Anbernic RG351P/M/V, RG552 and RG503; RK2020; Odroid-go Advance, Super and Ultra units.

See the ThemeMaster's page for more information and installation guide.

Feel free to suggest any enhancement and to report any issue directly through GitHub. Alternatively - and for any questions, comments or feedback - you can find me on the Retro Game Handhelds Discord’s server

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "ThemeMaster" Project. README Source: JohnIrvine1433/ThemeMaster

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