Theatherflix Versions Save

Theatherflix Extension is a browser extension that provides personalized movie and series recommendations to users. Using The Movie Database (TMDb) API, the extension fetches popular movie data and displays customized suggestions based on user preferences.


9 months ago

Recently, the project underwent several enhancements to its user experience and functionality. Notable updates include the addition of dynamic API key validation messages, a refined search functionality that now displays search results without API configuration, improved load more behavior based on API key presence, and clickable movie titles that link to their descriptions on the TMDB website.

List of new functions/features in the project:

  • Dynamic API Key Validation Messages: Show API key validation messages based on user input and configuration status.
  • Refined Search Functionality: Enable search results display without requiring an API key, providing a seamless experience.
  • Improved Load More Behavior: Load more button visibility now intelligently responds to API key presence.
  • Clickable Movie Titles: Movie titles now serve as hyperlinks redirecting users to their descriptions on the TMDB website.


9 months ago

Added informative messages with links to guides on how to obtain the API Key from TMDb in both English and Spanish. Integrated TMDb's API to fetch movie recommendations and streaming information. Optimized the code for better performance and readability. Updated the user interface with improved styles and design.


9 months ago

With recent updates, I've added a dynamic "Load More" button, displaying 20 initial recommendations and fetching 5 more with each click, enriching your viewing options. The interface now boasts an improved design, with blue-colored validation messages for a sleeker user experience. Explore a world of entertainment, tailor-made just for you!


10 months ago

The new focus of the project is to develop Theatherflix as a browser extension. The goal is to create an extension that provides personalized movie and series recommendations, enhancing the user's streaming experience with tailored content suggestions.

With this shift in focus, Theatherflix will seamlessly integrate with popular streaming platforms like Netflix. Users will be able to receive personalized recommendations directly within their browser while using Netflix, making it easier for them to discover new content that aligns with their preferences.

The extension-based approach allows for a more direct and user-friendly interaction with the streaming platforms that users are already using. It aims to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of users, providing them with a customized streaming experience.

As we continue to develop Theatherflix Extension, we will be dedicated to improving its functionality to offer the best personalized streaming recommendations for our users. We believe this new direction will better serve our audience, enhancing their entertainment experience and making streaming more enjoyable for everyone.


10 months ago

Latest version of the initial project for Theaterflix.


10 months ago


6 years ago

Wrote in NodeJS Express and Handlebars.


6 years ago

Wrote in NodeJS Express and Handlebars.

What's Changed

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