Testing React Versions Save

Testing utilities that allow you to reuse your Storybook stories in your React unit tests!


2 years ago

🐛 Bug Fix

  • fix: align global config types with Storybook 6.4 #75 (@yannbf)

Authors: 1


2 years ago

🐛 Bug Fix

🔩 Dependency Updates

Authors: 2


2 years ago

🐛 Bug Fix

  • feat: add storyName to composed story #65 (@yannbf)

Authors: 1


2 years ago

Release Notes

feat: support exclude/include stories (#64)


This version adds support for the includeStories and excludeStories parameter to filter non-story exports (#64)

🚀 Enhancement

  • feat: support exclude/include stories #64 (@yannbf)

Authors: 1


2 years ago

:tada: This release contains work from new contributors! :tada:

Thanks for all your work!

:heart: Tom Coleman (@tmeasday)

:heart: @jonniebigodes

Release Notes

Version 1.0.0 (#60)

💥 Breaking Change

Updates Storybook peer dependency to 6.4



Storybook 6.4 released a new version of CSF, where the story can also be an object. This is supported in @storybook/testing-react, but you have to match the requisites:

1 - Either your story has a render method or your meta contains a component property:

// Example 1: Meta with component property
export default {
  title: 'Button',
  component: Button // <-- This is strictly necessary

// Example 2: Story with render method:
export const Primary = {
  render: (args) => <Button {...args}>

Play function

Storybook 6.4 also brings a new function called play, where you can write automated interactions to the story.

In @storybook/testing-react, the play function does not run automatically for you, but rather comes in the returned component, and you can execute it as you please.

Consider the following example:

export const InputFieldFilled: Story<InputFieldProps> = {
  play: async ({ canvasElement }) => {
    const canvas = within(canvasElement);
    await userEvent.type(canvas.getByRole('textbox'), 'Hello world!');

You can use the play function like this:

const { InputFieldFilled } = composeStories(stories);

test('renders with play function', async () => {
  const { container } = render(<InputFieldFilled />);

  // pass container as canvasElement and play an interaction that fills the input
  await InputFieldFilled.play({ canvasElement: container });

  const input = screen.getByRole('textbox') as HTMLInputElement;
  expect(input.value).toEqual('Hello world!');

📝 Documentation

  • Chore: (Docs) Updates the assets used in the documentation for the addon #52 (@jonniebigodes)

Authors: 3


2 years ago

Release Notes

feat: support CSF3 format (#46)


Storybook released a new version of CSF, where the story can also be an object. This is supported in @storybook/testing-react, but you have to match the requisites:

1 - Either your story has a render method or your meta contains a component property:

// Example 1: Meta with component property
export default {
  title: 'Button',
  component: Button // <-- This is strictly necessary

// Example 2: Story with render method:
export const Primary = {
  render: (args) => <Button {...args}>

2 - For typescript users, you need to be using Storybook 6.4 or higher.

CSF3 - Interactions with play function

CSF3 also brings a new function called play, where you can write automated interactions to the story.

In @storybook/testing-react, the play function does not run automatically for you, but rather comes in the returned component, and you can execute it as you please.

Consider the following example:

export const InputFieldFilled: Story<InputFieldProps> = {
  play: async () => {
    await userEvent.type(screen.getByRole('textbox'), 'Hello world!');

You can use the play function like this:

const { InputFieldFilled } = composeStories(stories);

test('renders with play function', async () => {
  render(<InputFieldFilled />);

  // play an interaction that fills the input
  await InputFieldFilled.play!();

  const input = screen.getByRole('textbox') as HTMLInputElement;
  expect(input.value).toEqual('Hello world!');

💥 Breaking Change

Authors: 1


2 years ago

:tada: This release contains work from a new contributor! :tada:

Thank you, null@payapula, for all your work!

Release Notes

Revert CSF3 support (#43)


CSF3 support was added in a previous version, however conflicted with projects using Storybook 6.3. The correct typescript types come from Storybook 6.4, rendering this library incompatible with projects using Storybook 6.3. This release reverts the CSF3 support, which will be brought to the next major release of @storybook/testing-react.

🐛 Bug Fix

📝 Documentation

Authors: 2


2 years ago

Release Notes

feat: support CSF3 format (#37)


Storybook released CSF3, where the story can also be an object. This is now supported in @storybook/testing-react. CSF3 also brings a new function called play, where you can write automated interactions to the story.

In @storybook/testing-react, the play does not run automatically for you, but rather comes in the returned component, and you can execute it as you please.

Consider the following example:

export const InputFieldFilled: Story<InputFieldProps> = {
  play: async () => {
    await userEvent.type(screen.getByRole('textbox'), 'Hello world!');

You can use the play function like this:

const { InputFieldFilled } = composeStories(stories);

test('renders with play function', async () => {
  render(<InputFieldFilled />);

  // play an interaction that fills the input
  await InputFieldFilled.play!();

  const input = screen.getByRole('textbox') as HTMLInputElement;
  expect(input.value).toEqual('Hello world!');

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 1


2 years ago

🐛 Bug Fix

⚠️ Pushed to main

Authors: 1


2 years ago

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Widen peer dependency range to include prereleases #26 (@IanVS)

Authors: 1