Testing React Versions Save

Testing utilities that allow you to reuse your Storybook stories in your React unit tests!


1 year ago

⚠️ Pushed to future

  • Merge branch 'main' into future (@yannbf)
  • add project annotation overrides section [skip-ci] (@yannbf)

Authors: 1


1 year ago

⚠️ Pushed to main

  • add project annotation overrides section [skip-ci] (@yannbf)

Authors: 1


1 year ago

⚠️ Pushed to future

  • update storybook dependencies to future (@yannbf)

Authors: 1


1 year ago

:tada: This release contains work from a new contributor! :tada:

Thank you, Kasper Peulen (@kasperpeulen), for all your work!

Release Notes

Support 7.0.0 (#140)

Storybook 7.0.0 is out! This release will make @storybook/testing-react compatible with Storybook 7, though I highly recommend not to use this package anymore!.

@storybook/testing-react has been promoted to a first-class Storybook functionality in Storybook 7. This means that you no longer need this package. Instead, you can import the same utilities, but from the @storybook/react package. Additionally, the internals of composeStories and composeStory have been revamped, so the way a story is composed is more accurate. The @storybook/testing-react package will be deprecated, so we recommend you to migrate.

Please do the following:

  1. Uninstall this package
  2. Update your imports
- import { composeStories } from '@storybook/testing-react';
+ import { composeStories } from '@storybook/react';

// OR
- import { setProjectAnnotations } from '@storybook/testing-react';
+ import { setProjectAnnotations } from '@storybook/react';

Thank you so much for being with me on this journey! ✌️

Support Storybook 7.0 (#120)

💥 Breaking Change

This version adds support for Storybook 7.0. It requires you to be using Storybook 7.0, as there were several internal changes required, all of which depend on new Storybook packages.

🚀 Features

In Storybook 7.0, the play function can also be defined in the Meta (default export). This is now supported in @storybook/testing-react.

⚠️ Deprecations

The setGlobalConfig function is now deprecated in favor of setProjectAnnotations, which aligns better with Storybook 7.0 nomenclature.


  import { setGlobalConfig } from '@storybook/testing-react';
  import * as globalStorybookConfig from './.storybook/preview';



  import { setProjectAnnotations } from '@storybook/testing-react';
  import * as globalStorybookConfig from './.storybook/preview';


💥 Breaking Change

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 4


1 year ago

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 1


1 year ago

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 1


1 year ago

:tada: This release contains work from a new contributor! :tada:

Thank you, Kasper Peulen (@kasperpeulen), for all your work!

Release Notes

Support Storybook 7.0 (#120)

💥 Breaking Change

This version adds support for Storybook 7.0. It requires you to be using Storybook 7.0, as there were several internal changes required, all of which depend on new Storybook packages.

🚀 Features

In Storybook 7.0, the play function can also be defined in the Meta (default export). This is now supported in @storybook/testing-react.

⚠️ Deprecations

The setGlobalConfig function is now deprecated in favor of setProjectAnnotations, which aligns better with Storybook 7.0 nomenclature.


  import { setGlobalConfig } from '@storybook/testing-react';
  import * as globalStorybookConfig from './.storybook/preview';



  import { setProjectAnnotations } from '@storybook/testing-react';
  import * as globalStorybookConfig from './.storybook/preview';


💥 Breaking Change

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Add test for handling csf3 name -> storyName #108 (@IanVS)

Authors: 3


1 year ago

:tada: This release contains work from new contributors! :tada:

Thanks for all your work!

:heart: Matt Harker (@TeaSeaLancs)

:heart: Alejandro Ñáñez Ortiz (@alejandronanez)

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 3


2 years ago

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 2


2 years ago

:tada: This release contains work from new contributors! :tada:

Thanks for all your work!

:heart: Fabien (@frassinier)

:heart: Imgbot (@ImgBotApp)

:heart: Tatsushi Toji (@tatsushitoji)

🐛 Bug Fix

⚠️ Pushed to main

📝 Documentation

Authors: 5