Terraform Aws Static Website Save

Terraform Module to provision an AWS static website using Route53, S3, and CloudFront.

Project README

AWS Static Website Terraform Module

Terraform module which provision required AWS resources to host a performant and secured static website.


This Terraform module creates the following AWS resources:

  • AWS Certificate Manager: wildcard certificate for your domain.
  • S3
    • Bucket #1: to store logs.
    • Bucket #2: to store the content (example.com).
    • Bucket #3: to redirect a different subdomain to the main domain (e.g., www.example.com redirected to example.com).
  • CloudFront
    • Distribution #1: to frontend the website.
    • Distribution #2: to frontend the subdomain that will be redirected to the main domain.
  • Route53 record sets pointing to the two CloudFront distributions.


  • This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.12+. It has not been tested with previous versions of Terraform.
  • An AWS account and your credentials (aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key) configured. There are several ways to do this (environment variables, shared credentials file, etc.); more information in the AWS Provider documentation.
  • Your domain already configured as a hosted zone on Route53.


provider "aws" {
  region                  = "eu-west-3"
  shared_credentials_file = "~/.aws/credentials"

module "aws_static_website" {
  source = "cloudmaniac/static-website/aws"

  # This is the domain as defined in Route53
  domains-zone-root       = "cloudmaniac.net"

  # Domains used for CloudFront
  website-domain-main     = "cloudmaniac.net"
  website-domain-redirect = "www.cloudmaniac.net"
  website-additional-domains = ["noredir1.cloudmaniac.net","noredir2.cloudmaniac.net"]

Although AWS services are available in many locations, some of them require the us-east-1 (N. Virginia) region to be configured:

  • To use an ACM certificate with Amazon CloudFront, you must request or import the certificate in the US East (N. Virginia) region. ACM certificates in this region associated with a CloudFront distribution are distributed to all the geographic locations configured for that distribution.

For that reason, the module includes an aliased provider definition to create supplemental resources in the us-east-1 region when required. Remaining resources from the module will inherit default (un-aliased) provider configurations from the parent.


Name Description Type Default Required
domains-zone-root Root zone under which the domain should be registered in Route 53 string - yes
website-domain-main Domain for the website (e.g., example.com) string - yes
website-domain-redirect Alternate subdomain to redirect to the main website (e.g., www.example.com) string - yes
support-spa Determine if website is SPA (Single-Page Application) to direct 404 response to index.html bool false no
website-additional-domains Main website additional domains (e.g., noredir.example.com) that don't need redirection list(string) [] no
cloudfront_lambda_function_arn ARN of optional AWS Lambda Function that can be associated with the CloudFront distribution to provide custom behaviour string - no
cloudfront_lambda_function_event_type The type of event that triggers the above Lambda Function (documentation) string origin-request no


Name Description
website_cdn_root_id CloudFront Distribution ID


Module written by @cloudmaniac.

Module Support: terraform-aws-static-website. Contributions and comments are welcomed.

Additional Resources


  • Use versioning on S3 buckets instead of invalidation
  • Secure S3 buckets
  • Optional enhanced version with Lambda@Edge configuration and S3 endpoint (REST endpoint) used as the origin
  • Variable names cleaning
  • Add more outputs
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Terraform Aws Static Website" Project. README Source: cloudmaniac/terraform-aws-static-website

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