TelegramStorageParser Save

Library to decrypt and parse Telegram Desktop's storage

Project README

Telegram Storage Parser

Build Status

Program to decrypt and parse Telegram Desktop's local storage

This project relies on OpenSSL for crypto primitives. See their license here.

Build on Net Standard 1.3

Usage example

using MihaZupan.TelegramStorageParser;
using MihaZupan.TelegramStorageParser.TelegramDesktop;

string tDataPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "/Telegram Desktop/tdata";
ParsingState parsingState = LocalStorage.TryParse(tDataPath, out LocalStorage localStorage);

if (parsingState == ParsingState.Success)
    Console.WriteLine("Phone number: " + localStorage.LoggedPhoneNumber ?? "not present");

Example project

View project source

It can:

  • Parse local storage
  • Export all cached images
  • Export all cached voice recordings
  • Export MTProto keys
  • Export a bunch of miscellaneous settings

Parsing of other data types (stickers, messages ...) will follow

Brute forcing the passcode

A gpu based cracker is now available in John the Ripper thanks to @kholia

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "TelegramStorageParser" Project. README Source: MihaZupan/TelegramStorageParser
Open Issues
Last Commit
4 years ago

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