Sdk Js Versions Save

Tanker client-side encryption SDK for JavaScript


3 months ago
  • Fix an edge case where the Sentry integration could throw while handling an exception before session initialization


3 months ago
  • The SDK will now enrich Sentry events by default if Sentry is defined in the page, see the Tanker constructor for options.
  • The minimum supported Node.js version is now Node.js 18
  • Upgraded the SDK to TypeScript 5


7 months ago

This release is strictly speaking a major version bump, but does not introduce any major API changes.

  • The VerificationMethod objects of type oidcIdToken now contain the provider_id and provider_display_name information corresponding to the verification method's OIDC provider.


11 months ago
  • The Status type is now a regular TypeScript enum instead of a const enum. This provides compatibility with the verbatimModuleSyntax TypeScript configuration flag.


1 year ago
  • Add sanity check to differentiate internal errors from legitimate InvalidArgument('could not find key for resource') errors during decrypt() and share().
  • Replace default exports with named exports in internal @tanker/ packages


1 year ago
  • Add support for SDK downgrade between compatible versions even in case of changes to the local storage schema, see manage sdk versions for more details.
  • Automatically try to re-open local storages in browsers. It mitigates UnknownError: DatabaseClosedError occurring after a schema upgrade.
  • Fix local storage errors handling in decrypt() and share(). Local storage errors were misleadingly converted into InvalidArgument('could not find key for resource'). Local storage errors are now forwarded as is.
  • Throw a TooManyRequests error when calling upload() or download() and being throttled by the underlying storage service (was InternalError).


1 year ago

This release enable the new "transparent session" encryption formats by default.

These formats optimize resource key usage. Encryption for the same recipients will reuse the same key for several hours. As a result, performance of encrypt and decrypt operations should be improved, due to less network requests.


1 year ago

This release adds forward compatibility for decrypting and sharing the upcoming "transparent session" encryption formats.

Please note that this release upgrades the storage format, so it cannot be rolled back to a previous version.


1 year ago

Version v2.30.0 introduced forward compatibility for padded encryption scheme. Make sure your end users use at least v2.30.0 before upgrading to v3.0.0.

Padded Encryption

Tanker now uses a padded symmetric encryption scheme by default. Adding padding to encrypted data aims at hiding the length of the clear message, see the dedicated guide.

Remove UMD build

We no longer ship the fully bundled UMD build of the JS SDK for @tanker/client-browser.

Remove device APIs

  • Remove the deviceId() function
  • Remove the getDeviceList() function
  • Remove DeviceRevoked error


1 year ago

Fix a browser compatibility issue introduced in v2.32.0 that triggers a TypeError: arrayBuffer is not a function on some platforms, specifically Safari < 14.1 and Chrome < 76.