Tailwindcss Logical Versions Save

A CSS Logical Properties and Values plugin for Tailwind CSS.


1 year ago


2 years ago

Breaking Change

With Tailwind v3, JIT mode is now the default, where previously it was something to opt in to. Because of this, tailwindcss-logical will no longer work with the previous default, the AOT engine. I recommend updating to tailwindcss-logical v3.0.0 if you are on Tailwind v3, and if not, stick with tailwindcss-logical v2.0.0 until then.

New Features

  • Compatibility with the recently released Tailwind v3.
  • Arbitrary values are now supported for all tailwindcss-logical utilities.
  • border-block-width, border-inline-width, border-block-color, and border-inline-color utilities have been added, now that Tailwind v3 added support for horizontal and vertical side utilities for Border Width and Border Color.


2 years ago

Breaking Change

  • Support for Node v10 has been dropped. This was necessary to support Tailwind's Just-in-Time (JIT) Mode, which uses Node language features that are not supported in Node v10.

New Features

  • Support for Flow-relative Border Colors has been added. These were not previously supported because Tailwind did not support Per-side Border Colors (e.g. border-left-color, border-right-color, etc.), but now that Tailwind has added support for them in v2.2.0, this plugin now supports the logical equivalents. More information about these can be found in the README or demo page.
  • Lots of tests have been added to ensure that this plugin supports JIT Mode properly. All of the JIT-specific New Features have been tested, and all of them work with this plugin, with the exception of Arbitrary Values.
  • Dark Mode has also been tested to ensure compatibility.


3 years ago

There are no updates to the plugin itself with this release, but the demo page has been greatly improved. What was there before was very rudimentary and mostly unstyled, but now it's a real thing. Check it out here.


3 years ago
  • New flow-relative utilities have been added for the following:
  • This changes the aim of the plugin a bit. Previously I was strictly sticking to the CSS Logical Properties and Values specification to determine what to support, but there are features from outside of that spec that also have logical properties and values (like CSS Overscroll Behavior Model Level 1) as well as Tailwind-specific utilities such as Space Between that would also benefit from having flow-relative utilities. So the new approach is, if Tailwind provides a feature by default, and there is a logical equivalent to that feature, this plugin should provide logical utilities for it, if browser support is good enough.
  • Speaking of browser support not being good enough: Flow-relative Overflow Properties were also evaluated for this release, since Tailwind provides overflow utilities, but after taking a closer look I've decided not to include them, because browser support is currently very early (only Firefox currently supports them) and there are no available polyfills that I know of.


3 years ago

Updated usage of the clearfix class (deprecated in Tailwind v2) in the demo page to flow-root to fix a couple layout bugs.


3 years ago
  • Added compatibility with the newly released Tailwind v2.
    • Added support for DEFAULT config keys. For utilities that have a "default" key (border-width and border-radius), Tailwind v1 used default while Tailwind v2 uses DEFAULT. This plugin now allows for both.
    • Updated tests with the new Tailwind v2 default config values.


3 years ago
  • Added a Jest test suite to ensure that any future updates do not break existing functionality.
  • Added ESLint to also help ensure code quality.
  • Updated Tailwind to the latest, v1.9.6.
    • This should have no effect on the output of the plugin, as the output is determined by your Tailwind version and config, not the version used in this repository.
    • That said, it did allow for some behind-the-scenes updates to the demo page, such as the now-built-in purge feature.
  • Fixed a low severity NPM security vulnerability with the yargs sub-dependency.


3 years ago

Bumped the lodash sub-dependency to address a security vulnerability.


4 years ago

Bumped the minimist sub-dependency to address a security vulnerability.