Tabler Rubygem Versions Save

Rubygem for


5 years ago

This is a small release containing one breaking change:

The issue raised in #10 has been addressed by PR #12.

As a result, images are no longer included by default. Instead, you can include all the image sets or the specific image sets you want (either browser, flag, and/or payments).

Checkout the README for more info.

Thank you to @alexmorral for the work.

If you find an issue with this release, please create an issue and/or pull request.


5 years ago

This release fixes issues with precompiling tabler plugin css files reported in #7 and fixed in #8. This release also includes a couple other minor pull requests (#4, #5) — all are reflected in the README.

If you find an issue with this release, please create an issue and/or pull request.

Thank you to @fanjieqi, @biow0lf, @fibice3 for your help on this release.


6 years ago

This release removes the bootstrap dependency to avoid complications mentioned in #3. Going forward, users will be free to install the bootstrap gem in their own application (at the version they choose) without being beholden to the dependency-loading decisions of the tabler team. Currently, we are still using the bundled bootstrap.js included with tabler, however, I can see this changing soon.


6 years ago

This release restructures the gem directory and module naming conventions in order to avoid having to explicitly require the gem.

Now you can just:

gem 'tabler-rubygem'


6 years ago

Initial version supports styles and javascripts from tabler without the use of requirejs. It also allows for modularized usage à la the Bootstrap rubygem.

It's fully functional right now but could use some pull-requests to allow for the customization and synchronization of colors between the SCSS variables and the window.tabler JS global.