Synology Wireguard Versions Save

WireGuard support for some Synology NAS drives


3 years ago

You use everything here at your own risk. I am not responsible if this breaks your NAS. Realistically it should not result in data loss, but it could render your NAS inaccessible if something goes wrong.

If you are not comfortable with removing your drives from the NAS and manually recover the data, this might not be for you.

WireGuard version:        1.0.20201221
WireGuard tools version:  1.0.20200827
libmnl version:           1.0.4


3 years ago

You use everything here at your own risk. I am not responsible if this breaks your NAS. Realistically it should not result in data loss, but it could render your NAS unaccessible if something goes wrong.

If you are not comfortable with removing your drives from the NAS and manually recover the data, this might not be for you.

WireGuard version:        1.0.20200729
WireGuard tools version:  1.0.20200513
libmnl version:           1.0.4


4 years ago

You use everything here at your own risk. I am not responsible if this breaks your NAS. Realistically it should not result in data loss, but it could render your NAS unaccessible if something goes wrong.

If you are not comfortable with removing your drives from the NAS and manually recover the data, this might not be for you.

This is the first stable release of WireGuard.


4 years ago

You use everything here at your own risk. I am not responsible if this breaks your NAS. Realistically it should not result in data loss, but it could render your NAS unaccessible if something goes wrong.

If you are not comfortable with removing your drives from the NAS and manually recover the data, this might not be for you.



5 years ago

You use everything here at your own risk. I am not responsible if this breaks your NAS. Realistically it should not result in data loss, but it could render your NAS unaccessible if something goes wrong.

If you are not comfortable with removing your drives from the NAS and manually recover the data, this might not be for you.


  • Added iptables support. This allows you to tunnel traffic through your NAS. See README for example PostUp and PostDown rules.


5 years ago

You use everything here at your own risk. I am not responsible if this breaks your NAS. Realistically it should not result in data loss, but it could render your NAS unaccessible if something goes wrong.

If you are not comfortable with removing your drives from the NAS and manually recover the data, this might not be for you.