Synergy Vintage Versions Save

Open source since 2001, share one mouse and keyboard between many vintage computers (Win 9x, Mac OS X, Linux)


2 years ago

2006/04/02 12:16:23 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp

Fixed non-XKB handling of Mode_switch. There were two problems. First the XkbLockGroup function was being called even for non-XKB layouts. (And was being included in the compile even if the XKB headers were not available!) Second, modifiers were assumed to exist only the group in which a keysym was found and when looking for modifiers for a key we only check modifiers in the same group. So keys that needed Mode_switch (in group 1) would check to see if Mode_switch was explictly mapped in group 1. It never is so that would never work. Now we handle implicitly mapped modifiers. I hadn't noticed this problem because my system (like most others) uses XKB and when I forced non-XKB, the keys I tested worked anyway through Multi_key.

2006/04/01 22:25:33 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp

Fixed autorepeat on X11. Was autorepeating all keys sent from server. Now autorepeating only those keys which are locally configured in X to autorepeat.

2006/04/01 21:37:24 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp

Fixed autorepeat on win32 clients. Was synthesizing a key release for each repeat. Win32 wants only repeat press events.

2006/04/01 21:36:50 crs cmd/launcher/CScreensLinks.cpp

Fixed two bugs in screens and link dialog. First, the link controls were not updated when reopening the dialog. Second, a change in any link edit control would be discarded if the user pressed enter.

2006/04/01 21:35:10 crs cmd/launcher/CHotkeyOptions.cpp

Fixed crash when creating a new hotkey but picking a key or mouse button combination before clicking OK.

2006/04/01 21:30:43 crs lib/arch/CArchNetworkBSD.cpp lib/common/common.h

Removed use of alloca() from unix and portable code. It's still in win32 code but i don't have to play guessing games about whether it's there or not on that platform.

2006/04/01 17:53:27 crs synergy.xcode/project.pbxproj

Added new files to Xcode project.

2006/04/01 17:41:59 crs lib/client/CServerProxy.cpp lib/net/CTCPSocket.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp

Added more debugging output for network problems.

2006/04/01 17:01:56 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp

Fixed keymapping on OSX. Was checking keyboard tables for all modifier combinations, including right-handed modifiers. It turns out OSX doesn't set up the tables correctly for those modifiers and acts if they have no effect. Since OSX never generates right-handed modifiers this isn't too surprising.

2006/04/01 15:32:19 crs lib/server/CBaseClientProxy.cpp lib/server/CBaseClientProxy.h lib/server/CClientProxy.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy.h lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/server/ lib/server/server.dsp

Added new class to allow the server to keep information that every screen has. The first such info is the cursor position when last jumping from the screen. Using a hotkey to jump to a screen now puts the cursor where it was the last time the user jumped from that screen.

2006/04/01 14:51:22 crs lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp

Fixed bug in reloading configurations. Was losing hotkeys.

2006/04/01 14:49:41 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp

Fixed bug when recollecting the keyboard map on non-XKB keyboards. Wasn't reseting a key map. It's unlikely anyone ever hit this bug.

2006/04/01 13:39:09 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp

Fixed several uses of CXWindowsUtil::CErrorLock that take a flag. Was checking the flag before destroying the lock object. That doesn't reliably work because the X protocol is asynchronous. The lock object ensures that the flag is correctly set in its d'tor by synchronizing with the server. The X11 hotkey (un)registration was one place where this was done. There were places in the X11 screensaver and clipboard handling, too.

2006/04/01 12:55:17 crs lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp

Fixed failure to clear the state of which keys are pressed in fakeAllKeysUp(). This fixes problems with synergy clients thinking some keys are still down, causing weird key behavior.

2006/04/01 12:53:31 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.3.1.

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

2006/03/21 21:54:16 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp

Add all #defines for including keysyms that we use. The #defines in X11/keysym.h vary from platform to platform and cannot be relied on.

2006/03/21 21:42:53 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.3.0.

2006/03/21 21:38:52 crs cmd/launcher/

Added new files to makefile.

2006/03/21 21:38:02 crs cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.cpp cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.h cmd/launcher/CHotkeyOptions.cpp cmd/launcher/CHotkeyOptions.h cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.dsp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h cmd/synergyc/synergyc.dsp cmd/synergys/synergys.dsp lib/arch/arch.dsp lib/base/base.dsp lib/client/client.dsp lib/common/common.dsp lib/io/io.dsp lib/mt/mt.dsp lib/net/net.dsp lib/platform/platform.dsp lib/platform/synrgyhk.dsp lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.h lib/server/server.dsp lib/synergy/IKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/IKeyState.h lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp

Added a hot key dialog to the win32 launcher, providing full support for all features of hot keys. This required a bunch of small changes to CInputFilter and stuff used by it (mainly getter methods).

The hot key dialog uses dynamic_cast<> to determine the kinds of conditions and actions for each rule in the configuration. This required enabling RTTI in the project files.

Also changed the 'Start' button to start the synergy service if installed (i.e. synergy is configured to start when the computer starts).

2006/03/21 21:37:59 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.h

Changed AltGr handling on win32. Previously the server would send ctrl and alt up events when sending a key that used AltGr then send matching down events. Now we just clear the ctrl and alt bits in the mask sent with the key; clients will temporarily release the ctrl and alt modifiers as necessary to yield the key. If the key doesn't need AltGr then the ctrl and alt bits are kept. We also used to reserve the right alt key for AltGr even if the keyboard layout didn't use it that way. This has been removed. The keyboard mapping now presses the ctrl and alt keys for AltGr rather than use the right alt.

Also made getKeyID() a public method.

2006/03/21 21:37:57 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp

Improved log output when registering hot keys.

2006/03/21 21:37:53 crs cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp

Added "server" and "client" to synergy log windows.

2006/03/21 21:37:52 crs lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp

Fixed bug in keyboard mapping when releasing modifiers. This caused a problem with AltGr on win32. The left alt key was being (synthetically) released but it was the right alt key that was down.

2006/03/21 21:37:49 crs doc/configuration.html

Documentation fix.

2006/03/20 23:13:11 crs doc/images/warp.gif

Replaced animated GIF demonstrating cursor warp with one that doesn't show the cursor in the region between the monitors. This is the original GIF with frames removed. Supplied by user Brian A.

2006/03/18 19:17:46 crs synergy.xcode/project.pbxproj

Updated Xcode project to build universal binaries. The PPC build uses the 10.2.8 SDK while the i386 build uses the 10.4u SDK. Also removed the "Default" configuration; "Development" is now the default.

2006/03/18 16:39:43 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.h lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp

Improved handling of option key on OS X servers. Previously it was always treated as the super modifier. Now it's treated as AltGr if it generates a glyph, though AltGr is not sent to the clients. So if option+key produces a glyph then key is sent without the option or AltGr modifiers. If option+key does not produce a glpyh then option is sent as the super modifier. Note that combining an option+key combination that would produce a glyph with the command or control modifiers will cause it to not produce a glyph. In that case we send option as the super modifier and we send the glyph that would've been produced on the server had the option key not been pressed. So option+s sends the beta key id with no modifiers but command+option+s sends the "s" key id with the alt and super modifiers.

This seems to handle the user expectations. However some users may expect option+L to produce win+L on win32 clients. These same users probably expect option+? to produce an upside down question mark. But these two expectations are fundamentally at odds. We cannot satisfy everyone because OS X doesn't have enough modifier keys.

2006/03/18 13:20:18 crs lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp

Fixed mousebutton condition. Wasn't working if num lock, caps lock or scroll lock was on.

2006/03/18 12:05:34 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp

Applied patch from Jaco Kroon to fix a problem with mouse focus on X11.

2006/03/18 11:54:40 crs doc/index.html

Added support for index.html?child#anchor syntax. This will open the index.html page then child in the page frame and jump to anchor.

2006/03/12 20:24:43 crs cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.cpp cmd/synergyc/CMSWindowsClientTaskBarReceiver.cpp cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergys/CMSWindowsServerTaskBarReceiver.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp lib/arch/CArch.cpp lib/arch/CArch.h lib/arch/CArchConsoleUnix.cpp lib/arch/CArchConsoleUnix.h lib/arch/CArchConsoleWindows.cpp lib/arch/CArchConsoleWindows.h lib/arch/CArchLogUnix.cpp lib/arch/CArchLogUnix.h lib/arch/CArchLogWindows.cpp lib/arch/CArchLogWindows.h lib/arch/IArchConsole.h lib/arch/IArchLog.h lib/base/CLog.cpp lib/base/ILogOutputter.h lib/base/LogOutputters.cpp lib/base/LogOutputters.h

Added show() method to console and logs.

2006/03/12 20:24:14 crs dist/nullsoft/synergy.nsi

Updated windows installer to install new documentation pages and to put a shortcut on the desktop.

2006/03/12 20:23:46 crs cmd/launcher/synergy.ico cmd/synergyc/synergyc.ico cmd/synergyc/tb_error.ico cmd/synergyc/tb_idle.ico cmd/synergyc/tb_run.ico cmd/synergyc/tb_wait.ico cmd/synergys/synergys.ico cmd/synergys/tb_error.ico cmd/synergys/tb_idle.ico cmd/synergys/tb_run.ico cmd/synergys/tb_wait.ico

Updated icons on win32.

2006/03/12 12:42:18 crs doc/configuration.html doc/faq.html doc/running.html doc/trouble.html

More documentation fixes.

2006/03/12 12:19:02 crs doc/configuration.html doc/faq.html doc/ doc/toc.html doc/trouble.html

Added a page with typical problems and solutions.

2006/03/12 10:25:15 crs doc/tips.html

More documentation fixes.

2006/03/12 10:20:14 crs doc/about.html doc/configuration.html doc/faq.html

Documentation fixes.

2006/03/12 09:34:16 crs doc/toc.html

Fixed link in table of contents.

2006/03/11 15:01:00 crs doc/banner.html doc/border.html doc/index.html doc/synergy.css

Adjusted how the border under the banner is drawn.

2006/03/11 14:49:38 crs doc/images/logo.gif

Updated logo.

2006/03/11 14:42:00 crs doc/about.html doc/authors.html doc/autostart.html doc/banner.html doc/compiling.html doc/configuration.html doc/contact.html doc/developer.html doc/faq.html doc/history.html doc/home.html doc/images/logo.gif doc/images/warp.gif doc/index.html doc/license.html doc/ doc/news.html doc/roadmap.html doc/running.html doc/security.html doc/synergy.css doc/tips.html doc/toc.html doc/todo.html

Updated documentation pages. They're now the web site pages except they now use frames.

2006/03/08 20:07:09 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h lib/platform/CSynergyHook.cpp lib/platform/CSynergyHook.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.h lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.h lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/CScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CScreen.h lib/synergy/IPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h

Added beginnings of support for synthesizing keystrokes on server's screen. It's partly implemented on win32; it just needs to track the modifier keys and adjust them as appropriate when synthesizing keys. It's not implemented on X11 or OS X. It's also currently disabled (in CPrimaryClient.cpp).

2006/03/08 20:05:38 crs cmd/synergyc/CClientTaskBarReceiver.cpp cmd/synergyc/CClientTaskBarReceiver.h cmd/synergyc/CMSWindowsClientTaskBarReceiver.cpp cmd/synergyc/resource.h cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergyc/synergyc.rc cmd/synergys/CMSWindowsServerTaskBarReceiver.cpp cmd/synergys/CServerTaskBarReceiver.cpp cmd/synergys/resource.h cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.rc lib/arch/CArch.cpp lib/arch/CArchConsoleUnix.cpp lib/arch/CArchConsoleUnix.h lib/arch/CArchConsoleWindows.cpp lib/arch/CArchConsoleWindows.h lib/arch/CArchMiscWindows.cpp lib/arch/CArchMiscWindows.h lib/base/CLog.cpp lib/base/LogOutputters.cpp lib/base/LogOutputters.h lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CClient.h lib/common/Version.cpp

Replaced using win32 console for log with a dialog containing a rich edit control. The user can close this window without quiting synergy and can reopen the window using the tray icon menu. Also added menu items to switch the current logging level.

2006/02/22 19:21:21 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp

Removed bogus logging call.

2006/02/20 19:46:47 crs cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/LaunchUtil.cpp cmd/launcher/LaunchUtil.h

Fixed infinite loop of error dialogs in win32 launcher.

2006/02/20 12:59:20 crs doc/faq.html

Added firewall info to faq12. Added faq19, a discussion of not taking the foreground on win32.

2006/02/20 12:46:18 crs doc/authors.html doc/autostart.html doc/compiling.html doc/configuration.html doc/developer.html doc/faq.html doc/history.html doc/index.html doc/license.html doc/news.html doc/running.html doc/security.html doc/tips.html doc/todo.html

Changed !DOCTYPE to HTML 4.0 (from 3.2).

2006/02/20 12:21:34 crs doc/configuration.html lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h

Hot key overhaul. Added support for multiple actions per hot key. Actions and conditions are now idempotent so they no longer track the active state (on, off, toggled, etc). Actions can be assigned to the activation or deactivation of a condition, basically a hot key or mouse button being pressed (activation) or released (deactivation). The keystroke and mousebutton actions map to both and the new keyDown, keyUp, mouseDown and mouseUp map to one or the other. The lock cursor to screen action now takes a mode: on, off or toggle and the corresponding event state is respected by the server. Removed the modifiers action. Mouse button actions now use the new kKeySetModifiers and kKeyClearModifiers keys to set/reset modifier state directly on the client.

Conditions and actions are much simpler now that they're idempotent and so is CInputFilter. Refactored CRule into a class since there's now more to a rule than a condition and action.

2006/02/20 11:29:41 crs lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.h lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp

Added support for kKeySetModifiers and kKeyClearModifiers keys. The former activates the given modifiers and the latter deactivates them.

2006/02/20 11:25:44 crs lib/synergy/KeyTypes.h

Added special keys for setting/clearing modifiers. The intent is to use these to set/reset modifiers for mouse button hot key actions.

2006/02/19 21:01:08 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp

Fixed OS X to send current keyboard modifiers with mouse button events.

2006/02/19 13:26:54 crs lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CClient.h

Fixed two clipboard problems.

First, synergy would blow an assert given the following sequence of events: enter client screen A A takes clipboard enter server screen B B takes clipboard clipboard on A changes (while we're not on the screen) enter A enter B On entering B we find that the clipboard sender is not the owner of the clipboard. This is because when A changed the clipboard while we were on B, B ignored the grab from A. A now thinks it owns the clipboard (even though B does). So when we leave A the second time, it sends the clipboard (which contains what B sent it) to B. The assertion is blown because B owns the clipboard but A sends a clipboard with a valid sequence number. The fix is simply that clients must reset their internal clipboard ownership flag when told to set the clipboard by the server.

Second, synergy clients would fail to send the clipboard to the server given the following sequence of events: enter client A A takes the clipboard enter screen B B takes the clipboard enter A A takes the clipboard with the same contents as before In an effort to reduce bandwidth, clients don't send unchanged clipboard contents. Clients were incorrectly treating this case as unchanged contents when, in fact, the contents are those set by B not those of A. Clients now handle this case.

2006/02/19 13:13:55 crs lib/server/CServer.cpp

Fixed error in log message. Was trying to report the sender of a clipboard but was reporting the owner of the clipboard.

2006/02/16 22:12:37 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.h

Added a hack to work around how VMware handles modifier keys on X11 when a virtual machine has focus. VMware removes all of the modifier mappings so synergy doesn't know about any modifiers. The hack is to use the last known good modifiers when there aren't any active modifiers.

2006/02/14 18:10:12 crs lib/server/CServer.cpp

Made switch in direction hot keys use the cursor's current position when calculating what the neighbor is. This only affects layouts using fractional edges.

2006/02/12 16:49:16 crs synergy.xcode/project.pbxproj

Updated Xcode project.

2006/02/12 16:40:02 crs doc/configuration.html lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/synergy/KeyTypes.cpp

Removed onCommandKey() from server. This was used only for handling the ScrollLock key to lock the cursor to the screen but this has been obsoleted by the hotkey support for locking the cursor. Also, ScrollLock is now only added as a hotkey to lock the cursor if the user hasn't configured some other hotkey to lock the cursor.

2006/02/12 16:22:41 crs doc/configuration.html lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/synergy/IKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/IKeyState.h

Added support for directing hotkey key actions to a particular screen or screens or to broadcast to all screens. However, key action keystrokes are never sent to the server screen. This should be fixed.

2006/02/12 16:16:11 crs doc/configuration.html lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.h lib/synergy/KeyTypes.cpp lib/synergy/KeyTypes.h lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp lib/synergy/ lib/synergy/ lib/synergy/SpecialKeyNameMap.h

Moved and restructed key name maps. Also added names for all non-alphanumeric ASCII characters and added support for \uXXXX unicode character codes.

2006/02/12 14:47:23 crs lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp

Now allowing fake key presses from server with a server button ID of 0. Hot keys that synthesize key events use a server button ID of 0. Note that other code will prevent a client from processing a hotkey press while another hotkey is pressed. The nature of hotkeys should ensure that never happens except for modifier only hotkeys. Worry about that later.

2006/02/12 12:06:50 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp

Fixed 2 axis scrolling on OS X.

2006/02/12 11:53:35 crs lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CClient.h lib/client/CServerProxy.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.h lib/server/CClientProxy.h lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.h lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.h lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/CScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CScreen.h lib/synergy/IClient.h lib/synergy/IPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h lib/synergy/ISecondaryScreen.h lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.cpp lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h

Added support for horizontal scrolling.

2006/02/12 10:08:49 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h

Applied patch from [email protected] that clamps mouse positions to valid areas on OS X. It also improves using the local keyboard with the remote mouse on OS X.

2006/02/11 20:01:42 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp

Fixed synthesis of ctrl+alt+del and handling of AltGr on win32 client.

2006/02/11 20:00:32 crs lib/server/server.dsp

Added CClientProxy1_3 to project.

2006/02/06 19:27:45 crs lib/server/CConfig.cpp

Fixed handling of comments when parsing the configuration. Had changed leading whitespace stripping which broke it.

2006/02/05 19:42:55 crs synergy.xcode/project.pbxproj

Updated Xcode project.

2006/02/05 18:48:35 crs lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.cpp

Fixed warning.

2006/02/05 18:02:47 crs lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp

Fixed updates of input filters when configuration is changed.

2006/02/05 17:55:45 crs lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.cpp

More fixes for server side keep alives.

2006/02/05 17:55:19 crs lib/server/CServer.cpp

Fixed sending of options to client. Wasn't reseting options first.

2006/02/05 17:39:20 crs lib/client/CServerProxy.cpp

Fixed memory bug in releasing keep alive timer.

2006/02/05 17:36:17 crs lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.h lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.h lib/server/CClientProxyUnknown.cpp

Fixed server side handling of keep alives.

2006/02/05 17:34:14 crs lib/client/CServerProxy.cpp lib/client/CServerProxy.h

Fixed client side handling of keep alives.

2006/02/05 16:56:00 crs lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h

Added comment for protocol version 1.3.

2006/02/05 16:54:39 crs lib/client/CServerProxy.cpp lib/client/CServerProxy.h lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_0.h lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.cpp lib/server/CClientProxy1_3.h lib/server/ lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.cpp lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h

Deprecated heartbeat and added keep alive to replace it. While a heartbeat was generated by clients and sent to the server, a keep alive is sent from the server and echoed by the client. This checks both directions of the connection. Either side will hang up if the other hasn't been heard from in a reasonable amount of time. This fixes a problem where clients would not hang up on an unavailable server.

2006/02/05 16:29:01 crs cmd/launcher/

Added CInfo files to makefile.

2006/02/05 15:30:49 crs lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp

Fixed handling of modifier keys that are held down while leaving a client screen. Was correctly releasing those keys on the client but wasn't reseting the active modifier state so as soon as a key was pressed after reentering the client the modifiers were reactivated. However, the user could only see the problem by typing on the local keyboard because the modifier was correctly adjusted for keys from the server. Now reseting modifier state when leaving a client screen.

2006/02/05 14:47:59 crs cmd/launcher/CInfo.cpp cmd/launcher/CInfo.h cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.dsp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/LaunchUtil.cpp cmd/launcher/LaunchUtil.h cmd/launcher/resource.h

Added two features to the win32 launcher. First there's now a info dialog which reports some useful information. The other is that configuration files are now re-read when the application is activated and the file's modification time has changed. This should help when users are hand editing the configuration file while the launcher is running.

2006/02/05 14:45:39 crs lib/server/CConfig.cpp

Fixed a bug in writing configuration files with fractional edges.

2006/02/05 14:43:17 crs cmd/launcher/CAddScreen.cpp cmd/launcher/CScreensLinks.cpp cmd/launcher/CScreensLinks.h cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h doc/configuration.html lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h

Added support for fractional edge links. This allows users to configure a portion of an edge to map to a portion of another edge, rather than linking entire edges. This does not allow users to split a (presumably multimonitor) screen to allow switching on reaching an interior edge.

2006/02/01 21:34:28 crs lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp

Fixed parsing of modifier plus single character keystroke and mousebutton entries in the configuration. Was discarding single characters.

2006/02/01 21:20:46 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp

Fixed OS X keypad enter key.

2006/01/29 20:50:54 crs lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h

Added support for performing an action when a screen connects. Also added support for jumping to the screen that just connected. The line 'connect() = switchToScreen()' in the global options will cause the cursor to jump to a screen as soon as it connects. This isn't especially useful but serves as an example.

2006/01/29 19:56:31 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp

Fixed X11 hot key grabbing. Previously was sensitive to CapsLock, NumLock and ScrollLock and is now insensitive to all of those.

2006/01/29 17:54:08 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp

Changed input suppress delay to 0. This might be right or it might need to be a small positive value like 0.1.

2006/01/29 15:52:44 crs lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.h lib/server/CServer.cpp

Fixed support for ScrollLock to lock the cursor to the screen. It now works via the hotkey mechanism.

2006/01/29 15:51:59 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.h

Fixed failure to run on win95 family. Was linked against ToUnicodeEx which is not available on that family. Now looking up that symbol at run time.

2006/01/29 15:50:29 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp

Fixed minor bug in call to CGSetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval.

2006/01/29 13:26:48 crs lib/platform/CSynergyHook.cpp

Win32 reports VK_RSHIFT as an extended key, which it is not. We now correct this which fixes the right shift key when using win32 servers.

2006/01/29 12:47:31 crs lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp

Fixed handling of modifiers when synthesizing a modifier. We were previously trying to match the desired modifier state when synthesizing any key, even if some of those modifiers weren't required (i.e. the key was insensitive to the state of some of those modifiers). We no longer try to match the state of non-required modifiers because doing so can break the synthesis of some keys, particularly modifiers. For example, previously pressing Control with NumLock on would turn NumLock off, press Control, then turn NumLock back on. If this Control was used with Alt on win32 to effect AltGr then AltGr would not take effect. On X11 the Shift key was improperly combined with NumLock, causing mouse keys to take effect.

2 years ago

Unknown changes; no changes in ChangeLog


2 years ago

2005/12/18 16:15:42 crs lib/platform/CSynergyHook.cpp

Removed use of function from C standard library in the hook DLL.

2005/12/18 16:11:15 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h

Added workaround for not receiving drag events for any mouse buttons besides 1 and 2 (left and right). That appears to be a limitation of the OS so we simply start polling the position while any buttons besides 1 and 2 are down. Code based on a patch by Brian Kendall.

2005/12/18 15:29:25 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.2.7.

2005/12/18 15:12:39 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp

Fixed mapping of unicode key layouts. Was discarding some characters (backspace and return, in particular) that should not have been discarded.

2005/12/18 10:49:23 crs cmd/launcher/launcher.rc lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/server.dsp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.h lib/synergy/IKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/IKeyState.h lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp lib/synergy/SpecialKeyNameMap.h synergy.dsw

Added support for hot keys on win32. Also fixed memory leaks in CInputFilter and changed CConfig to write hot keys in its CInputFilter object to the options section.

2005/12/15 18:57:38 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h

Fixed hot keys on OS X when on a secondary screen. This worked in the original patch but broken during the modify/merge. It was broken because we turn off all hot key processing by the OS while on a secondary screen. The fix is to check on key press and release if the key and modifier state matches a hot key.

This is known to be broken on hot key release if you press the hot key then change the modifiers before releasing the provoking key.

2005/12/14 21:51:01 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.h

Added support for hotkeys on X11.

2005/12/14 21:50:49 crs lib/server/CServer.cpp

When jumping to another screen was computing the center using the size of the active screen instead of the size of the destination screen.

2005/12/14 21:50:09 crs lib/server/CConfig.cpp

Switched to ctype.h from cctype to fix linux build.

2005/12/14 09:33:25 crs lib/base/CLog.cpp lib/base/CLog.h lib/base/CStringUtil.cpp lib/base/CStringUtil.h

Fixed bug in CStringUtil::vsprint. Was reusing va_list across calls to vnsprintf, which is not allowed. Modified CStringUtil and CLog to avoid doing that. This should fix a crash when using --help on some platforms. Tthe --help message was the only message long enough to exceed the static buffer length which caused a va_list to get reused.

2005/12/14 08:43:36 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.h lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CInputFilter.cpp lib/server/CInputFilter.h lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/server/CPrimaryClient.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/server/ lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.h lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/CScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CScreen.h lib/synergy/IPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IPrimaryScreen.h lib/synergy/ lib/synergy/ lib/synergy/SpecialKeyNameMap.h

Checkpoint of configurable hotkey support. Authored by Lorenz Schori, modified and merged by me. Hotkeys are only implemented on OS X so far; this change breaks the build on linux and win32.

2005/11/29 21:22:02 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp

Fixed bug in X11 keyboard code. Wasn't checking for a NULL pointer.

2005/11/28 22:12:49 crs doc/running.html

Added a little more detail to the documentation for for OS X users not familiar with the shell.

2005/11/28 20:59:39 crs doc/autostart.html

Added X11 autostart info for kdm.

2005/11/27 16:41:06 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CSynergyHook.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp

Fixed several win32 keyboard bugs.

2005/11/27 16:30:50 crs lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.h

Fixed a couple of problems with key event synthesis.

2005/11/25 18:19:28 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreenSaver.h

Now sending a more significant fake mouse motion to xscreensaver to keep it from activating. xscreensaver since 2.21 requires a motion of at least 10 pixels to be considered significant.

2005/11/25 14:42:30 crs lib/platform/COSXClipboard.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h

Added periodic check for clipboard change on OS X. We're polling because there doesn't seem to be any event to notify of a clipboard change.

2005/11/24 11:00:39 crs cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp

Fixed bug in win32 GUI. If synergy wasn't previously installed for autostart then the GUI would incorrectly install it for autostart. It was incorrectly installed in such a way that synergy would think it wasn't installed and it would not function when the service manager tried to start it.

2005/11/20 22:34:06 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.h lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.h lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.h lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/CScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IKeyState.h lib/synergy/IPlatformScreen.h

Converted OS X to new keyboard handling. Two known problems with OS X: the thorn character is mapped incorrectly (because OS X lies) and we're using every keyboard layout, not just the enabled one, because we have no idea how to detect if a layout is enabled or not. The latter problem only causes some startup slowness.

2005/11/20 22:29:01 crs lib/arch/CMultibyte.cpp

Added support for converting clipboard data to Latin-1 encoding if the default encoding is ASCII by switching to the en_US locale at startup.

2005/11/14 18:35:07 crs lib/synergy/CKeyState.h

Removed unnecessary headers.

2005/11/13 17:08:45 crs lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.h

Added improved support for key combinations intended to perform a keyboard shortcut rather than synthesize a particular key.

2005/11/13 12:52:16 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.h

Finished X11 non-XKB keyboard mapping. Also added a convenience function to CKeyMap used by both the X11 and win32 implemenetations.

2005/11/13 10:31:32 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.h lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.h lib/synergy/CKeyMap.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyMap.h lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.h lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/CScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CScreen.h lib/synergy/IKeyState.h lib/synergy/IPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/KeyTypes.h lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp lib/synergy/

Checkpointing keyboard handling refactoring. This is a major change to the client side handling of key events. This change converts the X11 and win32 handling but not the OS X handling.

The new class CKeyMap contains the information necessary to convert a synergy key event to the platform events necessary to synthesize the key. Platforms fill in a CKeyMap whenever their keyboard layouts change using the addKeyEntry(), calling it once for each unique way to synthesize a particular KeyID on the keyboard. The CKeyMap takes it from there, first adding dead-key combinations and some other keys, then doing the translation from KeyID to platform keystroke sequences. Platforms no longer need to implement the KeyID to keystroke sequence conversion, simplifying the platform implementations.

This change also supports multiple keyboard layouts, typically used to support various languages. If a key is not available on the active layout but is on a different installed layout then synergy will switch layouts automatically.

The X11 version now fully supports the XKB extension. This should fix problems with Mode_switch vs ISO_Level3_Shift. Non-XKB support is incomplete in this checkpoint.


2 years ago

2005/11/12 11:43:54 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp

Disabled code to periodically reinstall synergy in the clipboard chain. It was causing an infinite recursion in the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message handler.

2005/11/12 11:28:25 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.cpp

Changed a couple of logging messages to DEBUG2 from DEBUG.

2005/11/12 11:27:55 crs cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.cpp cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.h cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp

Fixed saving of autostart configuration in win32 launcher. It was erroring out when the user did not have permission to write to that portion of the registry. Now it will only write the configuration if synergy is installed for autostart. This is still not quite right since it'll still error out if some other user with sufficient permission has installed the autostart and this user doesn't have enough permission.

2005/11/12 11:22:34 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.2.6.

2005/11/01 19:58:21 crs acinclude.m4

Restored pthread signal configuration checks accidentally removed in previous version.

2005/10/12 21:37:58 crs doc/running.html

Updated setup documentation.

2005/10/11 21:12:18 crs lib/arch/CArchMultithreadPosix.cpp

Fixed warning in posix multithread code.

2005/10/11 20:59:29 crs acinclude.m4

Updated autoconf script for detecting pthreads.

2005/10/06 21:45:01 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.h

Added initial XKB code. This only checks for the extension in the configuration, queries the extension at runtime and handles mapping notify events. Still need to use the extension to get the keyboard map.

2005/10/02 17:40:56 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboard.h lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsUtil.h

Fixed X11 clipboard handling on 64-bit systems. Also fixed a problem with detecting when a clipboard owner says a format is unavailable.

2005/10/01 19:26:57 crs lib/server/CServer.cpp

Fixed unnecessary comparison to NULL that chokes some compilers.

2005/10/01 19:23:38 crs cmd/launcher/CAdvancedOptions.cpp cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.cpp cmd/launcher/CAutoStart.h cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h dist/nullsoft/synergy.nsi lib/arch/CArchDaemonWindows.cpp lib/arch/CArchMiscWindows.cpp lib/arch/CArchMiscWindows.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/CSynergyHook.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.h lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/CScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IKeyState.h lib/synergy/IPlatformScreen.h

Fixed several win32 bugs. Removed the 'Save' button from the launcher; configuration is now saved transparently. Autostart configuration is now saved transparently whenever it changes and autostart is enabled. Configuration is now saved when the debug logging level changes.

Now releasing synthetically pressed keys when leaving the client. The existing code was checking for key down using a local key button id then trying to release it using the same id as a server key button id.

Now looking up a local button id for key events that have a scan code of 0. These are sent by some programs that synthesize events.

Now periodically reinstalling the clipboard chain viewer. It appears that the chain is breaking sometimes (probably due a badly behaved or killed app) but there's no way to detect that so this is a workaround.

Now stopping and deleting the autostart services during uninstall.

2005/10/01 18:55:59 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h

Added support for apple's mighty mouse. We now correctly handle button 4 (and 5 if it exists). We now detect the mighty mouse's scroll ball and convert vertical motion into scroll wheel events. Also changed handling of scroll wheel scaling; the mac works differently from other platforms so it's not perfect.

2005/10/01 15:01:15 crs cmd/launcher/

Added new files to makefiles.

2005/09/26 20:58:53 crs lib/server/CConfig.cpp

Fixed bug in output of configuration files. Was writing bottom-right corner as "bottom-left" instead of "bottom-right".

2005/09/26 20:55:24 crs cmd/launcher/CAddScreen.cpp cmd/launcher/CAddScreen.h cmd/launcher/CScreensLinks.cpp cmd/launcher/CScreensLinks.h cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.dsp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h

Refactored code in win32 launcher GUI.

2005/08/22 19:40:34 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.2.5.


2 years ago

2005/08/07 10:32:54 crs doc/autostart.html

Updated OS X autostart documentation.

2005/08/07 10:32:19 crs lib/arch/CArchMultithreadPosix.cpp lib/arch/IArchMultithread.h

Added support for SIGUSR2. Not using it yet, though.

2005/08/03 21:03:49 crs cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp

Client now quits after failing to connect if not restartable. Was failing to quit.

2005/08/03 20:14:42 crs cmd/synergyc/ cmd/synergys/ lib/arch/ lib/platform/

Changed how we export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to a hopefully more portable solution.

2005/08/02 21:42:12 crs cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp

Fixed --daemon fix when compiled on unix.

2005/08/02 20:57:52 crs cmd/launcher/CGlobalOptions.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/synergy/OptionTypes.h

Added option to suppress grabbing of the foreground window on win32 synergy servers. Grabbing the foreground window prevents certain apps from messing up low level keyboard events but doing that can break certain workflow, particularly with games. Since the option is only for win32 and it's in the launcher GUI and I hope to get rid of it someday, there is no configuration documentation for it.

2005/08/02 20:55:35 crs cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp

Fixed '--daemon' command line option on Windows NT family client and server. Those platforms now ignore --daemon and --no-daemon like they should.

2005/08/01 22:34:05 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.h lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.h lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.h lib/server/CPrimaryClient.cpp lib/synergy/CKeyState.h lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CPlatformScreen.h lib/synergy/CScreen.cpp lib/synergy/CScreen.h lib/synergy/IKeyState.h lib/synergy/IPlatformScreen.h

Fixed scroll-lock screen locking on linux servers. An earlier change made the function that returns modifier state return the shadowed state not the current state. On X windows we don't shadow the state when on the primary screen so the synergy server would never see the scroll-lock state turned on until it left the primary screen. As a result scroll-lock would not lock to the primary screen but would lock you to whatever secondary screen you ended up on.

Changed win32 and OSX versions to work like the linux version. Win32 used to work anyway because we constantly shadow keyboard state on that. OSX did not query current keyboard state at all before and it still doesn't; this needs to be fixed.

2005/08/01 22:29:48 crs lib/synergy/libsynergy.dsp

Added ProtocolTypes.cpp to VC++ project.

2005/08/01 21:02:07 crs lib/common/common.h synergy.xcode/project.pbxproj

Changes to get gcc3.3, 10.2.8 SDK builds working on OS X.

2005/07/31 22:50:10 crs lib/platform/COSXScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/ lib/platform/COSXScreenSaverUtil.h lib/platform/COSXScreenSaverUtil.m lib/platform/

Removed Objective-C++ file. Now using an Objective-C file instead which works better with autoconf/automake.

2005/07/31 22:49:03 crs lib/synergy/ lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.cpp lib/synergy/ProtocolTypes.h

Fixed warnings on gcc 4.0.

2005/07/31 22:48:30 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.2.4.


2 years ago

2005/07/26 21:37:41 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.2.3.

2005/07/26 21:37:27 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsDesks.h

Now disabling the win32 foreground window on the server when leaving the server screen. This prevents the system from messing up keyboard events. The console (command prompt) and remote desktop are known to interfere with the shift key when they have the focus. This introduces a bug where the window that was the foreground is raised to the top of the stacking order when the cursor enters the server screen. This should only be a problem for Mouse-X (activation follows mouse) users. I don't know how Mouse-X changes the foreground/active window without raising it; if I did I'd fix this bug.

2005/07/26 21:24:13 crs doc/configuration.html

Fixed typo in documentation.

2005/07/26 19:58:37 crs cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp

Now defaulting to WARNING as the default debug level on win32. This is a workaround for NOTE and higher always popping up the command window, which can't be hidden or closed. When the user clicks 'Test', the debug level is forced to be at least INFO to workaround this workaround. Future versions will do away with the command window altogether so this weirdness isn't too much of a problem.

2005/07/26 19:50:44 crs doc/faq.html doc/tips.html

Improved documentation of how to get ctrl+alt+pause working on Windows NT,2k,XP.

2005/07/21 21:25:51 crs lib/common/common.h

Forcing use of select() rather than poll() on OS X. Wasn't getting a read event on a socket when the remote side closed down when using poll(). Probably a bug in synergy code but I couldn't find it.

2005/07/21 21:24:28 crs lib/arch/CArchNetworkBSD.cpp

Fixed "resource temporarily unavailable" exception on OS X when using the unblock pipe.

2005/07/20 22:09:05 crs cmd/launcher/launcher.cpp cmd/launcher/launcher.rc cmd/launcher/resource.h cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp doc/configuration.html lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/server/CConfig.cpp lib/server/CConfig.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/server/CServer.h lib/synergy/OptionTypes.h

Added "dead" corners support. The cursor can't switch screens from a dead corner.

2005/07/19 20:43:51 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.h

Applied patch (from Lorenz Schori) to fix getting the keyboard layout. It previously was failing for non-Apple keyboards.

2005/07/19 20:23:29 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp

Replaced NULL with 0 in arithmetic expression.

2005/05/08 11:40:26 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp

Applied patch 1113363 to support the kanji key on win32.

2005/05/08 11:08:12 crs lib/arch/CArch.cpp lib/arch/CArch.h lib/arch/CArchNetworkBSD.cpp lib/arch/CArchNetworkBSD.h lib/arch/CArchNetworkWinsock.cpp lib/arch/CArchNetworkWinsock.h lib/arch/IArchNetwork.h lib/net/CTCPListenSocket.cpp

Added support for SO_REUSEADDR. It is always enabled.

2005/05/08 11:00:42 crs cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp

Fixed bug in retrying to initialize or start the server. Was waiting the retry interval then doing nothing.

2005/04/29 21:27:10 crs lib/common/common.h lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp synergy.xcode/project.pbxproj

A few OSX build fixes.

2005/04/28 22:05:51 crs lib/common/common.h

Now setting HAVE_SOCKLEN_T to 1 when on OSX and _SOCKLEN_T is defined and HAVE_CONFIG_H isn't is set.

2005/04/28 22:04:23 crs cmd/synergyc/ cmd/synergys/ lib/arch/ lib/platform/

Added support for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET. It's set to 10.2.

2005/04/28 22:02:47 crs cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp lib/client/CClient.cpp

Now reporting sleep suspend/resume at INFO level.

2005/04/25 22:12:04 crs cmd/synergyc/ cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergys/ cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp lib/base/CEvent.cpp lib/base/CEvent.h lib/base/CEventQueue.cpp lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/client/CClient.h lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.h lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreen.h lib/platform/COSXScreenSaver.cpp lib/platform/COSXScreenSaver.h lib/platform/ lib/platform/ lib/platform/OSXScreenSaverControl.h lib/server/CServer.cpp lib/synergy/IScreen.cpp lib/synergy/IScreen.h synergy.xcode/project.pbxproj

Added support on OS X for screensaver synchronization, sleeping and fast user switching. OS X Server also now captures global hot keys (cmd+tab, F9, etc.) and sends them to the client. Changes mostly due to lorenz schori. Some bug fixes (in lorenz's code and in synergy) and integration into automake by crs (had to add support for Objective C++ files) and the XCode project.

This change also adds flags to events. Flags can cause events to be dispatched immediately and to not free event data. Both features are used in the new code.

This change adds events on IScreen for notification of the system going to sleep or waking up (or the user's session being somehow suspended and restored). CClient and synergys now listen for and respond to these events. CMSWindowsScreen used to use IJobs for handling these events synchronously. It now uses the new IScreen events and delivers them immediately.


2 years ago

2005/01/26 18:45:45 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.2.2.

2005/01/26 18:43:33 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp

Fixed bug in handling modifier keys on OS X clients. Was applying modifiers to modifiers yielding, for example: ctrl down, ctrl down, ctrl up for press of the control key. The first down and the up were there because we were applying the control modifier to the control key.

2005/01/26 18:41:28 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsKeyState.cpp

Fixed handling of ISO_Level3_Shift. We now prefer ISO_Level3_Shift over Mode_switch if it's mapped to any key. ISO_Level3_Shift replaces Mode_switch in newer versions of X and Mode_switch does nothing, so we have to use ISO_Level3_Shift if it's there.

2005/01/04 19:29:58 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp

Fixed bug in OS X server key translation which pretty much broke any keystroke with a modifier key.

2005/01/01 20:52:43 crs doc/compiling.html

Merged documentation fixes.

2005/01/01 20:19:42 crs doc/running.html

Merged documentation fix from mainline.

2004/12/30 13:28:51 crs cmd/synergyc/synergyc.cpp cmd/synergys/synergys.cpp doc/authors.html lib/client/CClient.cpp lib/net/CNetworkAddress.cpp lib/net/CNetworkAddress.h lib/server/CConfig.cpp

Adapted and applied patch by Brent Priddy for re-resolving the server hostname on each connection. This allows the client to startup without being able to resolve the server's hostname. It also lets it handle changes in the server's address, a typical scenario when the client is a laptop moving between networks.

2004/12/30 12:10:47 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp lib/synergy/KeyTypes.h

Added Henkan key. Patch from rniitani at

2004/12/30 11:54:23 crs doc/authors.html lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp

Applied patch from Tom Chadwick to synthesize PageUp/PageDown on X servers that don't support the mouse wheel.

2004/12/29 21:12:05 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp

Now ignoring 4th and 5th mouse buttons if they don't exist. Was previously querying their state, sometimes getting the wrong answer from the OS that they were down, which prevented switching screens.

2004/12/29 21:10:49 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsKeyState.cpp

Fixed handling of number pad number and decimal point keys when NumLock is on on client on windows 95 family.

2004/12/29 17:53:44 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsScreen.cpp

Added support for ISO_Level3_Shift on X windows server. It's treated as if it were Mode_switch.

2004/12/29 17:07:08 crs lib/platform/COSXKeyState.cpp lib/platform/COSXKeyState.h

Added support for unicode keyboard layouts on OS X.

2004/12/29 17:06:49 crs lib/platform/COSXScreen.cpp

Removed calls to show/hide mouse because they only work if we've taken exclusive access to the display and we don't do that.

2004/12/29 17:06:00 crs lib/platform/COSXEventQueueBuffer.cpp lib/platform/COSXEventQueueBuffer.h

Fixed leak of event objects on OS X.

2004/12/29 17:00:17 crs //depot/project/synergy-web/Makefile //depot/project/synergy-web/autostart.htmls //depot/project/synergy-web/synergy.css doc/autostart.html doc/synergy.css

Added Mac OS X autostart documentation from Tor Slettnes ([email protected]).


2 years ago


2 years ago

2003/08/24 14:52:02 crs lib/common/Version.h

Changed version to 1.0.14.

2003/08/23 11:41:03 crs lib/platform/CXWindowsClipboard.cpp

Removed hack to work around apparent lesstif bug. I'm not seeing the bug manifest itself and the hack breaks pasting into lesstif programs that don't have the bug. Added DEBUG2 level logging of the requestor window's properties in case some users run into problems.

2003/08/06 21:00:57 crs lib/platform/CMSWindowsScreen.cpp

Added more debugging log messages to clipboard handling.

2003/08/06 21:00:17 crs cmd/synergyc/CMSWindowsClientTaskBarReceiver.cpp cmd/synergys/CMSWindowsServerTaskBarReceiver.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.cpp lib/platform/CMSWindowsClipboard.h

Fixed failure to treat log copied to clipboard as subject to transfer to clients/server. This prevented copying the log to the clipboard then pasting it on another screen.

2003/08/06 20:59:01 crs cmd/launcher/CAdvancedOptions.cpp cmd/launcher/CAdvancedOptions.h

Fixed failure to get non-default settings from advanced options dialog in launcher when the dialog hadn't been opened.

2003/08/06 20:57:41 crs lib/arch/CArchLogWindows.cpp

Fixed memory leak in win32 system log open() call.