Swift Collections Versions Save

Commonly used data structures for Swift


2 months ago

This feature release adds a number of new data structure implementations, along with minor changes to existing constructs.

New Data Structures

  • Heap implements a min-max heap, backed by a native array. (Contributed by @AquaGeek)
  • BitSet and BitArray are two alternate representations of a bitmap type, backed by dynamically allocated storage. (Contributed by @MahanazAtiqullah)
  • TreeSet and TreeDictionary are hashed collections implementing Compressed Hash-Array Mapped Prefix Trees (CHAMP). They provide similar API as Set/Dictionary in the Standard Library, but as persistent data structures, supporting incremental mutations of shared instances and efficient structural diffing. (Contributed by @msteindorfer)

Other Changes

  • This version of the package can only be built using Swift 5.7.2 or later.
  • New methods: the OrderedSet.isEqualSet family of functions provide a way to test that two containers contain the same members, ignoring the order of elements. (https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/issues/183, https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/pull/234)
  • New method: OrderedSet.filter implements a version of the standard filter operation that returns an OrderedSet instead of an Array. (https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/pull/159)
  • debugDescription implementations have been updated to follow Swift best practice. (These are called by container types like Array to print their elements, so they work best when they're succinct variants of description that are suitable for embedding in structured output: specifically, they must not produce unpaired delimiter characters ([/], (/), {/}, </> etc), raw top level commas, semicolons, colons, unquoted strings etc. debugDescription should not needlessly print type names etc.)

New Contributors

Many thanks to our contributors for their great work (and patience)!

List of Pull Requests

Full Changelog: https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/compare/1.0.6...1.1.0


4 months ago

This bugfix release adds Sendable conformances to all public types (fixing compatibility with Swift's strict concurrency checking), and speeds up equality checks (==) of identical collection values.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/compare/1.0.5...1.0.6

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!


6 months ago

This bugfix release improves compatibility with recent Swift versions, eliminating several compiler warnings on Swift 5.8 and 5.9. It contains no API-level changes.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/compare/1.0.4...1.0.5

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!


1 year ago

This is a documentation update, including the addition of basic DocC documentation bundles. This release has no functional changes.


  • The package now contains documentation bundles, enabling nicer presentation of API documentation in DocC.


  • #186 [OrderedCollections] Document Sorting as Stable (by @benrimmington)

Pull requests

  • #178 [OrderedDictionary] Tiny documentation fix (by @lorentey)
  • #187 Fix rethrows position (by @ensan-hcl)
  • #189 [OrderedSet] Tiny doc fixes for isSuperset (by @lorentey)
  • #201 [OrderedCollections] Update docs to state that the sort algorithm is stable (by @lorentey)
  • #214 [OrderedSet] Small doc updates/fixes (by @lorentey)
  • #252 [1.0] Add DocC documentation bundles (by @lorentey)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/compare/1.0.3...1.0.4

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.


1 year ago

This release resolves issues uncovered since 1.0.2 was tagged. The fixes improve performance of some operations, resolve compile-time issues and update documentation. This release contains no observable behavioral changes.


  • [Clutter] When opened in Xcode, the package no longer adds spurious schemes to dependent projects. (#155)


  • [Build-time issue] Code that is calling OrderedDictionary's uniquing/unique/grouping initializers and merge operations no longer gets flagged as ambiguous in certain cases involving type inference. (#125, #139)
  • [Build-time issue] The package no longer fails to build when library evolution is enabled. (#157) (Note: this configuration remains unsupported. This package does not provide any guarantees about ABI stability.)
  • [Performance] In-place mutations of collection contents no longer result in unnecessary heap allocations. (#164)
  • [Performance] On Swift 5.6 and better, some operations in the OrderedCollections module now make use of the stdlib's temporary allocation facility. (#160)
  • [Docs] Documentation was updated to clarify behavior of the filter and merge methods of OrderedDictionary. (#145)

Pull requests

  • #140 [OrderedDictionary] Fix type inference issue with OrderedDictionary.init(grouping:by:) (by @lorentey)
  • #153 [OrderedDictionary][doc] Update docs for merge/filter operations (by @lorentey)
  • #155 Remove Swift PM Artifacts to avoid Generated Schemes in Xcode (by @hectormatos2011)
  • #156 Reinstate custom schemes under Utils/swift-collections.xcworkspace (by @lorentey)
  • #160 [OrderedCollection] Use standard temp allocation facility, if available (by @lorentey)
  • #161 [Xcode] Update schemes & file template (by @lorentey)
  • #162 [OrderedSet] Work around weird name lookup issue in compiler (by @lorentey)
  • #165 Force-inline _modify accessors to work around a performance issue (by @lorentey)
  • #169 [OrderedDictionary] Resolve call-site ambiguities (by @lorentey)
  • #170 Update README for 1.0.3 (by @lorentey)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/compare/1.0.2...1.0.3

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.


2 years ago

This release resolves issues uncovered since 1.0.1 was tagged, including a high severity crash in OrderedSet and OrderedDictionary. Upgrading is recommended for all clients.


  • Fixed a value semantic violation in OrderedSet and OrderedDictionary that could result in some mutation methods corrupting shared copies of the same value, leading to subsequent crashes. (Issue #104)
  • Deque.append(contentsOf:) now uses an exponential storage resizing strategy, as expected. Calling it in a loop no longer results in O(n) reallocations. (Issue #113)

Pull requests

  • #113 [Deque] append(contentsOf:): Use exponential capacity reservation (by @lorentey)
  • #123 [OrderedSet] Add missing uniqueness check (by @lorentey)
  • #126 [Utils] run-full-tests.sh: Keep going after a failure (by @lorentey)
  • #128 [Utils] run-full-tests.sh: Add support for testing on Swift 5.3 without manual editing (by @lorentey)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.


2 years ago


  • The CMake configuration now supports building the package for AArch64 Linux distributions, unblocking adoption in SPM.

    (Note that the CMake configuration is intended only to support the use of this package from within Swift toolchain builds. It is provided as is, with no source compatibility guarantees.)

  • Minor documentation updates.

Pull requests

  • #111 [CMake] Match lowercase "aarch64" (by @neonichu)
  • #112 [OrderedSet][doc] Fix thinko (by @lorentey)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.


2 years ago

This release marks an important milestone for this package -- the advent of source stability!


  • The public API of Swift Collections is now considered source stable. The README defines what we consider public API.
  • The three OrderedDictionary methods that were deprecated in 0.0.7 are now marked unavailable.
  • OrderedDictionary.init(uncheckedUniqueElements:) no longer creates large dictionary instances without an associated hash table.

Pull requests

  • #95 Follow stdlib's leading underscore rule (by @ejmarchant)
  • #96 Documentation: Remove in-place mutation comments (by @ejmarchant)
  • #97 Freeze some types for consistency with their inlinable initializers (by @lorentey)
  • #102 1.0 release preparations (by @lorentey)
  • #106 [OrderedSet] Make _checkInvariants public and call it in more operations (by @lorentey)
  • #107 [OrderedSet] Don't let the unchecked init create large sets with no hash table (by @lorentey)
  • #110 [run-full-tests.sh] Fix bashism: == vs = (by @lorentey)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.


2 years ago

This release prepares for source stability by deprecating some OrderedDictionary APIs that we'd like to remove in version 1.0 of the package. (All deprecated names have reasonable replacements.)


  • The two OrderedDictionary.modifyValue methods were renamed updateValue, to better align with the standard updateValue function (#90)

    /* Old: */ d.modifyValue(forKey: key,  default: []) { $0.append(newValue) }
    /* New: */ d.updateValue(forKey: key,  default: []) { $0.append(newValue) }
    /* Old: */ d.modifyValue(forKey: key,  insertingDefault: [], at: 0) { $0.append(newValue) }
    /* New: */ d.updateValue(forKey: key,  insertingDefault: [], at: 0) { $0.append(newValue) }
  • OrderedDictionary.subscript(offset:) was removed; it used inconsistent terminology. To access a key-value pair at a given position, you can continue using the unlabeled subscript on the elements view.

    /*  Deprecated: */ d[offset: 42]
    /* Replacement: */ d.element[42]
  • The collections benchmarks were moved to a standalone nested package in a subdirectory of the repository, allowing the top-level package manifest to stop declaring a dependency on swift-collections-benchmark. This will make it easier to add Swift Collections as a dependency, especially in projects such as the Package Manager (or the benchmarking tool itself).

The old names for removed/renamed APIs are still available as deprecated members -- these will be removed in the 1.0 release.

Pull requests

  • #81 Fix typos: missing subscript parameters (by @ejmarchant)
  • #82 Fix documentation for types conforming to ExpressibleByArrayLiteral or ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral (by @ejmarchant)
  • #86 Stop depending on swift-collections-benchmark (by @lorentey)
  • #91 [OrderedDictionary] modifyValue → updateValue (by @lorentey)
  • #93 Add Benchmarks package to workspace (by @lorentey)
  • #92 [OrderedDictionary] Deprecate subscript(offset:) for now (by @lorentey)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.


2 years ago

This release consists of an update to the CMake config that is used during non-bootstrapped builds of the Swift toolchain. It contains no changes for package-based projects.

Pull requests

  • #64: Add arm64 support to CMake build (by @neonichu)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.