Svgo Versions Save

⚙️ Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files


3 months ago

What's Changed

Bug Fixes

SVG Optimization



Before and after using vectors from various sources, with the default preset of each respective version:

SVG Original v3.1.0 v3.2.0 Delta
Arch Linux Logo 9.529 KiB 4.162 KiB 4.115 KiB ⬇️ 0.047 KiB
Blobs 50.45 KiB 42.949 KiB 42.623 KiB ⬇️ 0.326 KiB
Isometric Madness 869.034 KiB 550.153 KiB 540.582 KiB ⬇️ 9.571 KiB
tldr-pages Banner 2.071 KiB 1.07 KiB 1.07 KiB
Wikipedia Logo 161.551 KiB 116 KiB 111.668 KiB ⬇️ 4.332 KiB

Before and after of the browser bundle of each respective version:

v3.1.0 v3.2.0 Delta
svgo.browser.js 660.9 kB 910.9 kB ⬆️ 250 kB


4 months ago

What's Changed

Bug Fixes

SVG Optimization


Before and after using vectors from various sources, with the default preset of each respective version:

SVG Original v3.0.5 v3.1.0 Delta
Arch Linux Logo 9.529 KiB 4.608 KiB 4.162 KiB ⬇️ 0.446 KiB
Blobs 50.45 KiB 42.949 KiB 42.949 KiB
Isometric Madness 869.034 KiB 550.153 KiB 550.153 KiB
tldr-pages Banner 2.071 KiB 1.07 KiB 1.07 KiB
Wikipedia Logo 161.551 KiB 117.146 KiB 116 KiB ⬇️ 1.146 KiB

Before and after of the browser bundle of each respective version:

v3.0.5 v3.1.0 Delta
svgo.browser.js 657.5 kB 660.9 kB ⬆️ 3.4 kB


4 months ago

What's Changed

Bug Fixes



Before and after using vectors from various sources, with the default preset of each respective version:

SVG Original v3.0.4 v3.0.5 Delta
Arch Linux Logo 9.529 KiB 4.735 KiB 4.608 KiB ⬇️ 0.127 KiB
Blobs 50.45 KiB 42.949 KiB 42.949 KiB
Isometric Madness 869.034 KiB 550.593 KiB 550.153 KiB ⬇️ 0.44 KiB
tldr-pages Banner 2.071 KiB 1.07 KiB 1.07 KiB
Wikipedia Logo 161.551 KiB 117.152 KiB 117.146 KiB ⬇️ 0.006 KiB

Before and after of the browser bundle of each respective version:

v3.0.4 v3.0.5 Delta
svgo.browser.js 656.9 kB 657.5 kB ⬆️ 0.6 kB


5 months ago

Includes various bug fixes for existing plugins and a new optimization. Also splits removeXMLNS, which removed XLink, into two separate plugins, removeXMLNS and removeXlink.

What's Changed

Default Behavior

  • Remove XML Namespace, no longer removes the XLink (xmlns:xlink) namespace. If that is desirable, you should enable the new Remove XLink (removeXlink) plugin, which does more while being safer. By @TrySound and @SethFalco in

Bug Fixes

SVG Optimization

  • Convert Path Commands, convert to z command if going back to initial position, or drop z if redundant. By @KTibow in
  • Inline Styles, when inlining a CSS property that's already declared in a presentation attribute of the node, drop the attribute. By @SethFalco in
  • Remove XLink, new plugin that removes the XLink (xmlns:xlink) namespace and migrates from XLink attributes to the SVG 2 equivalent. Disabled by default. By @TrySound and @SethFalco in


Before and after using vectors from various sources, with the default preset of each respective version:

SVG Original v3.0.3 v3.0.4 Delta
Arch Linux Logo 9.529 KiB 4.738 KiB 4.735 KiB ⬇️ 0.003 KiB
Blobs 50.45 KiB 42.949 KiB 42.949 KiB
Isometric Madness 869.034 KiB 550.699 KiB 550.593 KiB ⬇️ 0.106 KiB
tldr-pages Banner 2.071 KiB 1.07 KiB 1.07 KiB
Wikipedia Logo 161.552 KiB 118.441 KiB 117.152 KiB ⬇️ 1.289 KiB

Before and after of the browser bundle of each respective version:

v3.0.3 v3.0.4 Delta
svgo.browser.js 651.7 kB 656.9 kB ⬆️ 5.2 kB


5 months ago

Includes various bug fixes and optimizations for existing plugins.

We're also revamped the documentation for the project. You can find it on! The frontend for is maintained in svg/, contributions are welcome.

What's Changed

Default Behavior

Bug Fixes

SVG Optimization




Before and after using vectors from various sources, with the default preset of each respective version:

SVG Original v3.0.2 v3.0.3 Delta
Arch Linux Logo 8.584 KiB 4.748 KiB 4.747 KiB ⬇️ 0.001 KiB
Blobs 50.45 KiB 42.949 KiB 42.949 KiB
Isometric Madness 869.034 KiB 550.829 KiB 550.699 KiB ⬇️ 0.13 KiB
tldr-pages Banner 2.071 KiB 1.07 KiB 1.07 KiB
Wikipedia Logo 161.552 KiB 118.441 KiB 118.441 KiB

Before and after of the browser bundle of each respective version:

v3.0.2 v3.0.3 Delta
svgo.browser.js 643.5 kB 651.7 kB ⬆️ 8.2 kB


1 year ago

Installing @types/csso no longer required


1 year ago
  • store exposed types only in .d.ts files, no longer need to enable js checking
  • update svgo.browser.js
  • fixed "begin" attribute cleanup

Thanks to @Kreeg, @XhmikosR and @TrySound


1 year ago


Improvements and fixes

  • fixed datauri option when multipass is not enabled
  • improved default preset warnings

Breaking channges

  • Node.js 14+ is required for version
  • stable package is replaced with native stable sort (required node 12+)


Typescript types are exposed out of the box. No longer need to install @types/svgo

// svgo.config.js
 * @type {import('svgo').Config}
export default {
  // svgo configuration

Active flag is no longer supported

export default {
  plugins: [
      name: 'removeDoctype',
      active: true
      name: 'removeComments',
      active: false

extendDefaultPlugins is removed, preset-default plugin should be used instead when need to customize plugins defaults

export default {
  plugins: [
      name: 'preset-default',
      params: {
        overrides: {
          // plugins customization

Enabled sortAttrs plugin by default to get better gzip compression.

-  <rect fill-opacity="" stroke="" fill="" stroke-opacity="" />
+  <rect fill="" fill-opacity="" stroke="" stroke-opacity="" />

Can be disabled if necessary

export default {
  plugins: [
      name: 'preset-default',
      params: {
        overrides: {
          sortAttrs: false

cleanupIDs plugin is renamed to cleanupIds

export default {
  plugins: [
// or
export default {
  plugins: [
      name: 'preset-default',
      params: {
        overrides: {
          cleanupIds: {}

Removed cleanupIds plugin "prefix" param, prefixIds should be used instead

export default {
  plugins: [
      name: 'prefixIds',
      params: {
        prefix: 'my-prefix'

Public API

Removed width and height from optimization result.

const { width, height } = optimize(svg).info

Can be found with custom plugin

let width = null
let height = null
const plugin = {
  name: 'find-size',
  fn: () => {
    return {
      element: {
        enter: (node, parentNode) => {
          if (parentNode.type === 'root') {
            width = node.attributes.width
            height = node.attributes.height
optimize(svg, {
  plugins: ['preset-default', plugin]

Removed error and modernError from optimization result

const {data, error, modernError } = optimize(svg)

Now all errors are thrown, parsing error can be checked by name

try {
  const { data } = optimize(svg)
} catch (error) {
  if ( === 'SvgoParserError') {
    // formatted error
  } else {
    // runtime error

Custom plugins

Removed full, perItem and perItemReverse plugin types. visitor is the only supported plugin api so plugin.type is no longer required.

Removed flag.

Removed plugin.params used as default params, destructuring with defaults can be used instead

name and fn are only required now

const plugin = {
  name: 'my-custom-plugin',
  fn: (root, params) => {
    const { myParam = true } = params
    return {}

Removed createContentItem and JSAPI class from nodes. All nodes are now plain objects with one exception. parentNode need to be defined to not break builtin plugins.

const plugin = {
  name: 'my-custom-plugin',
  fn: () => {
    return {
      element: {
        enter: (node) => {
          if (node === 'g') {
            const child = {
              type: 'element',
              name: 'g',
              attributes: {},
              children: []
            Object.defineProperty(child, 'parentNode', {
              writable: true,
              value: node,

Thanks to @istarkov, @boidolr, @deining, @ranman, @mondeja, @liamcmitchell-sc, @rogierslag, @kriskowal, @hugolpz and @TrySound


2 years ago

If you enjoy SVGO and would like to support our work, consider sponsoring us directly via our OpenCollective.

Join us in our discord

Features and bug fixes



I found some users are trying to enable plugins which are not part of default preset, for example

  name: 'preset-default',
  params: {
    overrides: {
      cleanupListOfValues: true

To fix this I made docs more concrete about plugin ( and introduced a warning when true is specified in overrides ( Please give us feedback if you still have issues.

Thanks to @IlyaSkriblovsky, @devongovett, @matheus1lva, @omgovich, @renatorib and @TrySound


2 years ago

If you enjoy SVGO and would like to support our work, consider sponsoring us directly via our OpenCollective.

Join us in our discord

ES Modules support

This release adds support for es modules in svgo.config.js when package.json type field is "module". For projects with mixed cjs and esm svgo.config.mjs and svgo.config.cjs are also supported as fallback.


export default {
  plugins: [



Follwing plugins are migrated to the new visitor plugin api and covered with tsdoc

Other internal changes

Thanks to @renatorib, @matheus1lva, @omgovich, @deepsweet, @ai, @samouss and @TrySound