Svarunan Serverless Webrtc Save

webrtc p2p without signalling server

Project README


  • Is it possible to create a p2p connection without a signalling server? Yes!
  • How?? copy paste the SDPs between local and remote that's it!
  • Are you kidding?? Nope, Please open index.html in a localhost and go through the steps.
  • This Serverless webRTC concept is only for learning javascript webRTC APIs


on macOS/Linux just clone this repo and start a http server

` cd serverless-webrtc

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

if you have node http-server

http-server -p 8080 .

http://localhost:8080/index.html `

Online demo


  • open this url in two tabs lets say A and B.
  • click on createOffer in A, copy paste the sdp in B's Remote text box, click "answer" button and this will add sdp to local text box.
  • Of B's local text box, copy paste sdp text in to A's Remote text box and click on "answer" button, then you should be able to see p2p connection working


  • peer to peer video calling
  • chat
  • file transfer




Let's share the Joy together. Let's keep this project super simple. Raise PR if you see something deprecated or not working.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Svarunan Serverless Webrtc" Project. README Source: svarunan/serverless-webrtc

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