Sun Valley Ttk Theme Save

A gorgeous theme for Tkinter/ttk, based on the Sun Valley visual style ✨

Project README

Sun Valley ttk theme

Make your Tkinter application look better than ever with just two lines of code!

Screenshot of Sun Valley ttk theme

Installation PyPi downloads

The theme is easily installable as a Python package

pip install sv-ttk

Usage Documentation


The theme will only be applied to themable (tkinter.ttk) widgets, and not with the regular Tkinter widgets, they only benefit from the colorscheme.

For detailed documentation, visit the wiki page.

import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk

import sv_ttk

root = tkinter.Tk()

button = ttk.Button(root, text="Click me!")

# This is where the magic happens


Wanna see more?

Check out my other ttk themes!

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Sun Valley Ttk Theme" Project. README Source: rdbende/Sun-Valley-ttk-theme

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