StyleCop Versions Save

Analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules.


8 years ago

This is a release of the ReSharper plugin for StyleCop.

Please install from the Extension Manager (ReSharper → Extension Manager), searching for "StyleCop by JetBrains". It does not require StyleCop for Visual Studio to be installed.

This release is based on StyleCop 4.7.49. It does not (yet) contain any of the changes made to StyleCop core in 4.7.53 on the (recently reactivated) CodePlex site. I hope we can merge the two developments in the very near future.

In this release:

  • Support for ReSharper 2016.1
  • Fix to allow filtering by StyleCop issues in code inspections window (#37)
  • Fix error messages in installer (#32)
  • Fix to stop code cleanup opening unedited files (#27)
  • Fix to more reliably check if StyleCopAnalyzers is installed (#20)


  • No longer requires StyleCop for Visual Studio to be installed
  • Provides ReSharper 10 compatible settings, including a reset button
  • Fixes memory leaks and provides better performance throttling
  • Support for StyleCop addins (e.g. StyleCop+)
  • High DPI support in options page
  • Simplified Code Cleanup options

Visual Studio 2015 support

Please Note: The 4.7.49 StyleCop analyser uses a custom C# parser, rather than ReSharper's code model (hence the requirement for performance throttling). As such, it doesn't understand C# 6 features, and has no C# 6 specific rules.

In the near future, I hope to merge the changes in this fork back into the main StyleCop CodePlex repo, at which point, this plugin can start using the 4.7.53 parser, which includes C# 6 support.

If you are using Visual Studio 2015, and C# 6, it is recommended that you use the DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers project, which implements nearly all StyleCop rules as a set Roslyn code analysers. This plugin will notice that StyleCopAnalyzers is referenced in a project, and automatically disable the ReSharper StyleCop rules.


8 years ago

This is a release of the ReSharper plugin for StyleCop.

Please install from the Extension Manager (ReSharper → Extension Manager), searching for "StyleCop by JetBrains". It does not require StyleCop for Visual Studio to be installed.

This release is based on the same StyleCop parser and rules as the latest release (4.7.49) - there have been no changes to StyleCop itself, only the ReSharper plugin.

In this release:

  • Support for ReSharper 10

This release also includes all of the fixes included in 4.7.1 for ReSharper 9.2.


  • No longer requires StyleCop for Visual Studio to be installed
  • Provides ReSharper 10 compatible settings, including a reset button
  • Fixes memory leaks and provides better performance throttling
  • Support for StyleCop addins (e.g. StyleCop+)
  • High DPI support in options page
  • Simplified Code Cleanup options

Why are there two versions of StyleCop in the ReSharper Extension Manager?

Unfortunately, there are two versions of StyleCop in the ReSharper Extension Manager.

This version, listed in the Extension Manager as "StyleCop by JetBrains" is maintained by me (@citizenmatt) on behalf of JetBrains. It contains a number of important fixes over the original codebase, notably memory leaks and improved performance throttling. It also no longer needs StyleCop to be installed in Visual Studio.

The other version, "ReSharper.StyleCop" is maintained by a member of the community, and appears to be a simple recompile of the original codebase from CodePlex. Development stalled after the ReSharper 9.1 release, but restarted after the release of this "StyleCop by JetBrains" version.

I would very much like to combine these two versions into a single version, containing these important performances fixes, and I would love it to be maintained by the community. Unfortunately, the author of the other version still isn't responding to emails, and hasn't published the source for their version.

Until that can happen, JetBrains recommends using this "StyleCop by JetBrains" version.

Visual Studio 2015 support

Please Note: The StyleCop analyser uses a custom C# parser, rather than ReSharper's code model (hence the requirement for performance throttling). As such, it doesn't understand C# 6 features, and has no C# 6 specific rules. If you are using Visual Studio 2015, and C# 6, it is recommended that you use the DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers project, which implements nearly all StyleCop rules as a set Roslyn code analysers. You can use this extension in conjunction with the analysers, by disabling the "run analysis" setting in the options page.


8 years ago

This is a release of the ReSharper plugin for StyleCop.

Please install from the Extension Manager (ReSharper → Extension Manager), searching for "StyleCop by JetBrains". It does not require StyleCop for Visual Studio to be installed.

This release is based on the same StyleCop parser and rules as the latest release (4.7.49) - there have been no changes to StyleCop itself, only the ReSharper plugin.

In this release:

  • Supports loading custom StyleCop addins (such as StyleCop+). Specify the path to load in the options page. (#18)
  • Automatically disable analysis if the DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers package is referenced in Visual Studio 2015 (#18)
  • Code Cleanup would not use settings when adjusting file header (#14)
  • Code Cleanup has a new setting to not create XML doc stubs, as this is something that is better done by a developer (#15)
  • StyleCop issues now grouped under "StyleCop" in Inspection Results (#16)
  • Fix duplication of constructor summary text in XML docs when running Code Cleanup (#17)

Release notes for 4.7.0

Why are there two versions of StyleCop in the ReSharper Extension Manager?

Unfortunately, there are two versions of StyleCop in the ReSharper Extension Manager.

This version, listed in the Extension Manager as "StyleCop by JetBrains" is maintained by me (@citizenmatt) on behalf of JetBrains. It contains a number of important fixes over the original codebase, notably memory leaks and performance work. It also no longer needs StyleCop to be installed in Visual Studio.

The other version, "ReSharper.StyleCop" is maintained by a member of the community, and appears to be a simple recompile of the original codebase from CodePlex. Development stalled after the ReSharper 9.1 release, but restarted after the release of this "StyleCop by JetBrains" version.

I would very much like to combine these two versions into a single version, containing these important performances fixes, and I would love it to be maintained by the community. Unfortunately, the author of the other version still isn't responding to emails, and hasn't published the source for their version.

Until that can happen, JetBrains recommends using this "StyleCop by JetBrains" version.

Visual Studio 2015 support

Please Note: The StyleCop analyser uses a custom C# parser, rather than ReSharper's code model (hence the requirement for performance throttling). As such, it doesn't understand C# 6 features, and has no C# 6 specific rules. If you are using Visual Studio 2015, and C# 6, it is recommended that you use the DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers project, which implements nearly all StyleCop rules as a set Roslyn code analysers. You can use this extension in conjunction with the analysers, by disabling the "run analysis" setting in the options page.


8 years ago

This is a release of the ReSharper plugin for StyleCop, bringing support for ReSharper 9.2.

To install, go to ReSharper → Extension Manager, and search for "StyleCop". It does not require StyleCop to be installed.

This release is based on the same StyleCop parser and rules as the last release (4.7.49) - there have been no changes to StyleCop itself, only to the plugin. The following changes have been made:

  • No longer requires StyleCop to be installed (allowing full distribution in the ReSharper extension gallery).
  • No longer prompts to reset options on first startup. Settings are now distributed as an automatically mounted settings file, meaning the standard ReSharper settings are automatically merged into the default settings. They can still be overridden in global and per-solution settings, but this can still be reset with a button in the options page.
  • Rewritten options page to work with high DPI.
  • Removed all of the per-rule options in Code Cleanup. Now just has a single option to apply StyleCop cleanups. Per-rule settings are superfluous, as cleanup should just reformat code to match the currently enabled rules. To disable the cleanup for a particular rule, disable the rule in your Settings.StyleCop files.
  • Override the class and interface file templates to pre-format them as StyleCop friendly.
  • Fixed performance throttling that could leave stale results. Now defers StyleCop analysis until 1 second after user finishes typing. Consequently, removed performance throttle setting form the options page.
  • Fix various FileSystemWatcher leaks in handling settings files.
  • Fix multi-threaded usage of single threaded core runner API.

Please Note: The StyleCop analyser uses a custom C# parser, rather than ReSharper's code model (hence the requirement for performance throttling). As such, it doesn't understand C# 6 features, and has no C# 6 specific rules. If you are using Visual Studio 2015, and C# 6, it is recommended that you use the DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers project, which implements nearly all StyleCop rules as a set Roslyn code analysers. You can use this extension in conjunction with the analysers, by disabling the "run analysis" setting in the options page.