Streamlinehq Npm Versions Save

The deprecated Streamline NPM package, which will be deleted on 1st November 2022.


2 years ago

User story

As a user I'd like to set custom path to my .env file in non standard project cases


Set STREAMLINE_RELATIVE_PROJECT_FOLDER_PATH in your terminal session which will run the installation script to a path which will be appended to the npm package's path to locate the parent's project folder path from an npm package. Check this line to understand how it's used.

Delivered with


2 years ago

This upcoming breaking release will be focused on deprecating previous options of using this package. When this is released, backend will be updated to remove support for previous versions of this package as well.

Deprecated options are:

  • No more streamlinehq.json support
  • No more hash based imports support


2 years ago

This breaking release makes the following changes:

  • Paths to images now follow this pattern: @streamlinehq/streamlinehq/img/${family}/${category}/${subcategory}/${icon}.svg, eg import AvatarStar2 from '@streamlinehq/streamlinehq/img/illustrations-duotone/users/super-users-admin/avatar-star-2.svg'. There are no hashes anymore.
  • Uses newly released images which don't have width, height params, but have proper rect tags. Old versions of this NPM package will still use old version of the images for a couple of months.
  • All one colored families have their colors replaced to currentColor, so it's easier to change their colors. Also you can directly pass stroke/fill to the svg tag to edit the colors.

How to migrate

  1. Change import paths for all used images
  2. See each image in browser and ensure they're displayed correctly. Because of differently organised attributes they might render differently and require different customisation.

Check the latest example app in docs folder for an example.

Delivered by this pr


3 years ago

Adds support to providing STREAMLINE_FAMILIES and STREAMLINE_SECRET variables via your project's .env file or via setting them directly in your shell.

It does not break previous configuration way of using a private file streamlinehq.json. However we encourage you to migrate to a new, more common way.


3 years ago

This breaking release makes the following changes:

How to migrate

  1. Replace all paths from @streamlinehq/streamlinehq/images to @streamlinehq/streamlinehq/img
  2. Change each import path by adding a unique id to each. The proper full import path can be found either by letting your IDE suggest it either by viewing the image in the sidebar in Streamline app. Please check the instructions in README to see how to find an image's path.


3 years ago

Initial version of the app with all its initial bugs.