StratisBitcoinFullNode Versions Save

Bitcoin full node in C#

2 years ago

Address Ownership Tool

This is a pre-release of the Address Ownership Tool incorporates resolution of an issue experienced with Ledger users, as highlighted below.

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Source array was not long enough.

Associated documentation can be found below:

Windows Documentation

File Hashes 9CC5B133076E78E2332968D643132C3FCB2B5010121BE518D0F1248002998202 2356E0AAACDC1BB2DB97CB76AA7612906183EC72A3F7FC0112D01773BAFA4866 2416DC372D77537990F3DF6B4EB2F2CF60B0385461A7864AA009290A062C0F5D

3 years ago

Address Ownership Tool

This release of the Address Ownership Tool incorporates Ledger troubleshooting support.

Associated documentation can be found below:

Windows Documentation

File Hashes 85D77D56CDEC983343A088D1F3B16851A7AC8CC7432BD3C8EC5CA013BEFA2910 67933CD900699878D73F8F36DE95EDD725660C9A605C7F2528FC49206C515349 DF6CE6D9B91AC0A53CB55E47F65E460FDA7DF41D88C3907D2E9E71DB4B971DC8

3 years ago

Address Ownership Tool

This release of the Address Ownership Tool incorporates Ledger support.

Associated documentation can be found below:


File Hashes 320627EE1DB6B0C6F6D1714A55A44A27E7E5BB25B768F1EB2C388DD837A8F90A 7C5C56D94A17954E2907DBA329D3054D0BDA505175343680F4A3E20A1FA79D7E F67E94ADDD5B280310BFE02419FD95941458F09ABC52B9E86E20736040E8BC03

3 years ago

Address Ownership Tool

This release of the Address Ownership Tool addresses the following issue:

  • Passwords with 'special' characters are not recognised as valid

File Hashes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

3 years ago

Address Ownership Tool

The address ownership tool enables a user to validate the ownership of an address by signing a message with the respective private keys.

File Hashes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

4 years ago

Exchange Release

The most significant change within this release is the introduction of the SQL Wallet. This supersedes the previous wallet implementation that stored the respective wallet data in a JSON file. The SQL Wallet feature introduces significant improvements to wallet synchronisation, as well as providing a truly scalable solution.

The migration process is completely autonomous and does not require any user interaction, any existing JSON wallet found will be seamlessly migrated to the new SQL Wallet.

To provide a graphical measure of the performance gains achieved, the below image can be referenced (Future Mode represents the SQL Wallet implementation).

Wallet Performance Metrics

Hardware requirements

Disk Space: 4GB RAM: 2GB (4GB during Initial Block Download)

The node can sync with less than 2GB of RAM using the -maxblkmem=2 parameter. This will increase the synchronization time.

File Hashes

linux-arm.tar.gz2178E025741CE3ADD34086B05EFF9BD41D97DEACFE5E54E010CF4AF58998F8E3 linux-musl-x64.tar.gzA6AA9D2939088446FF4D57CE20C7DF50141D9391DD7265A7833A9F5E06028791 linux-x64.tar.gz21F8DE349D95A42A8AE699A9745D3E456A5296C7722CB5469014568B9DDD6928 osx-x64.tar.gzD7072A79A924B783512FDEF0403E14739C90EC7F3A9943939593AFE54A3EA02C win10-arm.zipBDFBA6409A8B5DA7B8C1E1366144C0F13434F47F9EC0EB3D5BDB0B0FBAD5B10E win10-arm64.zip21389526C0D8910B6EF738371B8F2B6B6A8438F3BF7FDDD4298892CC3AB2C0BC win10-x64.zipD70F8C0F18CB91052BF8CB30091BD53F338F30FA41CACE2D271C3B3FDBDBD661 win10-x86.zip5D55E7ED2904E8F5AA2197283111811EEAB83264516B7F30BC8ABEE44C17388D


4 years ago

Release notes

The Stratis Full Node 3.0.5 is now available for general use. This release has been in development for some time and has gone through our rigorous testing phase within the Stratis Coherence Suite.

A brief summary of significant developments within the release can be found below:

• Address Indexer resiliency • Implementation of SignalR to provide an enhanced user experience • Introduced ‘account-based’ experience for Cirrus • Improvements to the Federation Wallet

This version utilizes the release/ branch of the full node.

Hardware requirements

Disk Space: 4GB RAM: 2GB (4GB during Initial Block Download)

The node can sync with less than 2GB of RAM using the -maxblkmem=2 parameter. This will increase the synchronization time.

👩‍🔧 Support

Please help us by reporting any issue you may find: On GitHub: On the #support channel on Discord:


5 years ago

Release notes

Below is a brief summary of the core items that have been worked on:

  • Improvements/fixes to RPC
  • Internal refactoring work
  • Improvements to wallet history display
  • Improvements to the command line help
  • Improvements to the internal P2P layer

Hardware requirements

Disk Space: 4GB RAM: 2GB (4GB during Initial Block Download)

The node can sync with less than 2GB of RAM using the -maxblkmem=2 parameter. This will increase the synchronization time.

👩‍🔧 Support

Please help us by reporting any issue you may find: On GitHub: On the #support channel on Discord:


5 years ago

Release notes

This release primarily focuses on the stability of the node. Below is a brief summary of the core items that have been worked on:

  • Reduced memory footprint
  • Denial-of-Service prevention
  • Various fixes to the wallet feature (tracking history, staking values, default wallet, cold staking)
  • API endpoints for banning a peer
  • API fixes for fetching transaction
  • API support for op_return
  • API responsive on startup
  • Addition of RPC methods for exchange support
  • RPC support for NBitcoin integration
  • Additional statistical output in console
  • Improvement of Peer-to-Peer networking


It is recommended to stake with this release of the Stratis Full Node.

Hardware requirements

Disk Space: 4GB RAM: 2GB (4GB during Initial Block Download)

The node can sync with less than 2GB of RAM using the -maxblkmem=2 parameter. This will increase the synchronization time.

👩‍🔧 Support

Please help us by reporting any issue you may find: On GitHub: On the #support channel on Discord:


5 years ago

The Stratis development team is very happy to present the first production release of the Stratis Node, the new full node supporting the Stratis network, written in C#. This implementation is the basis for the Stratis Platform and the foundation on which everything else is being built. Whether it's smart contracts, sidechains, wallets, block explorers, new networks definitions or new consensus rules, everything can be developed independently and plugged into the Stratis Node. In effect, the Stratis Node is a powerful blockchain platform, not just a node.

Since the last beta release, a lot of improvements in the security, stability, extensibility, performance and consumability of the code have been made. The list is too long to be detailed, but some noticeable changes deserve more attention than others:

  • Core way of syncing: Improvement in the synchronisation algorithm between nodes which now considers all available chains instead of just picking one.
  • Proven Headers: Improvement to the way headers are synced between nodes to make it more secure by protecting nodes from an attacker sending a potentially very long fake chain of headers. More details here.
  • Cold Staking has been fully developed and is now in testing. It will be automatically activated on Mainnet when 95% of the network has moved to Stratis Nodes. More details here.
  • Support for a new consensus algorithm, proof-of-authority . More details here.

👨‍💻 What about stratisX?

Most of the network is currently supported by stratisX nodes but as the network gradually migrates to the Stratis Node, we will slowly stop supporting stratisX. Stratis Node is the one to use going forward.

🤷 Breaking changes

Database: A lot has changed under the hood and as a result, users need to delete the existing data and to resync the blockchain from scratch. Please do the following:

  1. For Windows users, navigate to %AppData%\StratisNode\stratis\StratisMain. For Linux/Mac users, navigate to ~/.stratisnode/stratis/stratismain.
  2. Delete the following folders: /blocks /chain /coinview /finalizedBlock /provenheaders

The other files in this folder can stay as they are.

Wallet: TL,DR: if you wish to restore a wallet previously generated with StratisCore, you need to use the same value to the Password and Passphrase fields during recovery.

Longer explanation: A passphrase is an optional extra piece of text that can be used to add entropy to your mnemonic. So effectively, when you create a wallet, your private key is generated using both a mnemonic and a passphrase so that any change in either leads to a different wallet (completely different addresses). In previous versions of StratisCore, the password used to encrypt your private key was also used as a passphrase, but they are now separated. As a result, users creating new wallets won't have to use a passphrase if they don't want to. However, this also means that users wishing to restore their wallet will need to use the same value for the Password and Passphrase fields.

👩‍🔧 Support

Please help us by reporting any issue you may find: On GitHub: On the #support channel on Discord: