Stm32cclib Save Abandoned

STM32 C++ Library and HAL

Project README

This is C++11 based library and HAL for STM32

It include:

  1. CMake build system for simplifier create, build and upload to target
  2. Linker script to separate and simplified your code.
  3. Vector table for Cortex-M3,4 for simplified create interrupt handers.
  4. Startup code for Cortex-M3,4 cpu with initialization of data & bss sections.
  5. Setup C++ static objects
  6. Template library and types for stm32 mcus.
  7. Prototype of startup and run code for stm32 mcus.
  8. Low level template style defines and helpers to commonize work with hardware.
    1. stm32f4xx family
      1. stm32f405,407,415,417
  9. Middle lelev template style and helpers to simplified operations with hardware.
    1. Interrupts
    2. Systick
    3. GPIO
    4. EXTI
    5. USART
  10. BSP to simplified operation with hardware modules
    1. stm32l152c-discovery 6 position hex digit lcd
    2. ssd1306 graphic 128x64 oled
  11. Examples proto
    1. stm32l152c-disco - demo for full use internal blocks of stm32l152c
    2. stm32f3disco - blinking leds, usart rx/tx demo
    3. stm32f4-black - blinking leds, usart rx/tx demo, ssd1306 oled demo
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Stm32cclib" Project. README Source: no111u3/stm32cclib
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6 years ago

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