SteamPress Versions Save

A Blogging Engine and Platform written in Swift for use with the Vapor Framework


4 years ago

Make it easier to work with repositories and make Application public in the SteamPress extension


4 years ago

Expose resetPasswordRequired on the user initialiser and expose the repositories on the application


4 years ago

Adds new initialiser to BlogPost to make it easier to work with for repositories


4 years ago

Migrate to Vapor 4 🎉

Check the README for early information on how to use.

Note: this has not been properly tested so use at your own risk! It's only been run against the unit tests and I haven't tested against actually running it. You've been warned!


4 years ago

SteamPress 1.0.0 🎉

This is a major release of SteamPress including a new architecture and updated for Vapor 3. See the README for details on how to use.

Note: you probably want to use one of the database integrations instead of this package directly, such as the PostgreSQL integration or the MySQL integration.


4 years ago

Lots of fixes and tweaks from implementing in the vapor3 branch of SteamPress Example. See the example site on integration instructions


4 years ago

Lots of fixes and updates after integrating the engine with a real site


4 years ago

Support URL encoded tags and pagination properly. Much better information provided in contexts for things like tags with blogs, extra properties in posts etc.

Tested and the main blog pages and creating posts


4 years ago

SteamPress 1.0.0 Alpha 4

This release removes the code that creates an admin user when starting up the app - this logic needs to move to the DB migrations due to the way migrations work.


4 years ago

SteamPress 1.0.0 Alpha 3

Better provider with defaults