State Codes Versions Save

Brazilian states 2-letter codes (ISO 3166-2:BR), official abbreviations throughout the country's history


5 years ago

Conforme issue 22: foram acrescentados área, fronteiras, centróide, fusos UTM, e dados da BBOX, em Geohash e coordenadas.


5 years ago

Only dump-OSM minor updates and minor README review.


5 years ago

minor correction, affecting mainlly Wikidata dumps.


5 years ago

Correções conforme issues #8, #11 e #12, corrigidos os bugs de dados. Troca de Wikidata-IDs e correcoes na atribuição de ID OSM na Wikidata, levando a substituições de datasets em dump_wikidata e dump_osm.


5 years ago

As justified in issue #8, the OSM maps (GeoJSON datasets) of each state were included.

There are also some renaming also for dump_* folders, that are not "real data" composed here by curatory aggregation, the dumps are direct copies of fragments (interesing pieces) of bigdata, and each dump is a independent pice, with no necessary metadata description for its structure.


5 years ago

As justified in issue #7, the Wikidata datasets of each state were included. The LF-encoding was also ensured as issue #6.


6 years ago

With Ricardo's revision the wdId (Wikidata ID) column ready for use in production. The Wikidata ontology is a semantic and spatial reference (Wikidata ID is in use as key in all OSM's country-subdivisions).

We also intrduced the CEP ranges for each state.


7 years ago

Dados confiáveis (exceto por timeZone todos foram homologados), metadados e padronização dos campos estável.