Spiceai Versions Save

A unified SQL query interface and portable runtime to locally materialize, accelerate, and query datasets from any database, data warehouse, or data lake.


2 years ago

Spice.ai v0.1.1-alpha

Announcing the release of Spice.ai v0.1.1-alpha! 🙌

This is the first point release following the public launch of v0.1-alpha and is focused on fixes and improvements to v0.1-alpha before the bigger v0.2-alpha release.

Highlights include initial support for interpretations and the addition of a new Json Data Processor which enables observations to be posted in JSON to a new Dataspaces API. The ability to post observations directly to the Dataspace also now makes Data Connectors optional.

Interpretations will enable end-users and external systems to participate in training by providing expert interpretation of the data, ultimately creating smarter pods. v0.1.1-alpha includes the ability to add and get interpretations by API and through import/export of Spicepods. Reward function authors will be able to use interpretations in reward functions from the v0.2-alpha release.

Previously observations could only be added in CSV format. JSON is now supported by calling the new dataspace observations API that leverages the also new JSON processor located in the data-components-contrib repository. The JSON processor defaults to parsing the Spice.ai observation format and is extensible to other schemas.

The dashboard has also been improved to show action counts during a training run, making it easier to visualize the learning process.

New in this release

  • Adds visualization of actions counts during a training run in the dashboard.
  • Adds a new interpretations API, along with support for importing and exporting interpretations to pods. Learn more.
  • Adds a new API for ingesting dataspace observations. Learn more.
  • Adds an official DockerHub repository for spiceai/spiceai.
  • Fixes bug where the dashboard would not load on browser refresh.


2 years ago

This is the release candidate 0.1.1-alpha-rc


2 years ago

This is the release candidate 0.1.1-alpha-rc


2 years ago

This is the release candidate 0.2.0-alpha-rc


2 years ago

This is the release candidate 0.2.0-alpha-rc


2 years ago

Spice.ai v0.1.0-alpha

Announcing the public release of Spice.ai v0.1.0-alpha! 🎉

See the blog post at blog.spiceai.org.

New in this release


2 years ago

Spice.ai v0.1.0-alpha

Announcing the public release of Spice.ai v0.1.0-alpha! 🎉

See the blog post at blog.spiceai.org.

New in this release


2 years ago

This is the release candidate 0.1.0-alpha-rc


2 years ago

This is the release candidate 0.1.0-alpha-rc


2 years ago

Spice.ai v0.1.0-alpha.5

Announcing the release of Spice.ai v0.1.0-alpha.5! 🎉

This release focused on preparation for the public launch of the project, including more comprehensive and easier-to-understand documentation, quickstarts and samples.

Data Connectors and Data Processors have now been moved to their own repository spiceai/data-components-contrib

To better improve the developer experience, the following breaking changes have been made:

  • The pods directory .spice/pods (and thus manifests) and the config file .spice/config.yaml have been moved from the ./spice directory to the app root ./. This allows for the .spice directory to be added to the .gitignore and for the manifest changes to be easily tracked in the project.
  • Flights have been renamed to more understandable Training Runs in user interfaces.

New in this release

  • Adds Open source acknowledgements to the dashboard
  • Adds improved error messages for several scenarios
  • Updates all Quickstarts and Samples to be clearer, easier to understand and better show the value of Spice.ai. The LogPruner sample has also been renamed ServerOps
  • Updates the dashboard to show a message when no pods have been trained
  • Updates all documentation links to docs.spiceai.org
  • Updates to use Python 3.8.12
  • Fixes bug where the dashboards showed undefined episode number
  • Fixes issue where the manifest.json was not being served to the React app
  • Fixes the config.yaml being written when not required
  • Removes the ability to load a custom dashboard - this may come back in a future release

Breaking changes

  • Changes .spice/pods is now located at ./spicepods
  • Changes .spice/config.yaml is now located at .spice.config.yaml