Sourcemod Transitional Helpers Save Abandoned

A set of helper include files for cleverly (or abusively) working with the SM transitional API.

Project README

SM Transitional API Helpers

A set of helper include files for cleverly (or abusively) working with the SM transitional API.

These helpers define a hierarchical structure of methodmaps that attempt to emulate the class hierarchy of Source engine entities. Modders should feel right at home by seeing familiar class names such as CBaseCombatWeapon, CBasePlayer, etc.


Include thelpers:

#define GAME_TF2 // required to pull in tf2 related helpers
#include <thelpers/thelpers>

Go wild:

public void OnClientPutInServer( int client )
  CBasePlayer player = new CBasePlayer( client );
  char steamId[ 128 ];
  player.GetSteamID( AuthId_Steam2, steamId, sizeof( steamId ) );
  PrintToServer( "%N's steam id: %s", player.Index, steamId );
  // do some tf2 specific stuff
  CTFPlayer tfPlayer = view_as<CTFPlayer>( player ); // "downcast" to a CTFPlayer object
  tfPlayer.SetClass( TFClassType_Medic );
  // we didn't like them anyway
  ServerCommand( "sm_kick #%d", player.UserID );


The include files themselves are highly documented with doxygen-like comments. Simply browse around the tree.

Supported Games

The API aims to be game-agnostic where possible to support all possible games. However, it is possible to enable game specific features by #defining GAME_X before including the thelpers files.

Currently only TF2 and some CS:S specific additions have been implemented (enabled with the GAME_TF2 and GAME_CSS defines respectively), but pull requests for other games are welcome!

If your game uses econ entities, you can enable econ functionality with #define GAME_ECON.


  • This library will be changing rapidly and often. Expect breaking changes.
  • SM's transitional syntax is experimental and thus has the potential to break us. Expect more breaking changes.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Sourcemod Transitional Helpers" Project. README Source: VoiDeD/sourcemod-transitional-helpers
Open Issues
Last Commit
8 years ago

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