Solana Mint Save Abandoned

Magiceden Mint Bot | Automated launchpad bot

Project README

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Solana Minting Bot

? Info

This bot will help you mint all the Magic Eden NFT's projects, This bot of does not guarantee a successful mint but increases chances as well as gives you the possibility to bypass the minting limit !

How it works ?

Easy setup which uses ChromeDriver to open up a new chrome instance and mint the nft you are looking for quicker than a human.


This bot does not guarantee you will get your NFT, this bot simply goes faster than humans to mint and automates everything since you do not have to click yourself.

✨ Features


  • You can launch multiple instances of the bot to bypass minting limit / wallet
  • Launch & Go | Once launched you do not need to stay in front of your screen because everything is automated!
  • Easy Setup

Works with

  • Window
  • Linux

? Tutorial

  1. Clone the repository / Download zip file

    git clone


    Download Zip File

  2. Be sure you have installed Python correctly, here is a link to download

  3. Open command prompt

  4. Install all python module

    pip install selenium requests webdriver-manager

  5. Replace Phantom Passphrase and password in config.json

    launchpadLink --> Launchpad link on magic eden

    seedPhrase --> Your wallet passphrase (Careful do not share this key)

  6. Open CMD and go to directory

    cd /path to directory/Solana-mint

  7. Run the python file

    windows : python

    mac : python3

☕️ Support

You can contact me be creating an issue here, if you want to support me with some SOL here I always appreciate help ?


? Troubleshooting

  • This bot uses ChromeDriver so on mac there is a possibility that you will have to allow the software to run in your privacy settings. Check mac folder for more info.

  • The chrome window will appear WITHOUT loading the images, this is to ensure the fastest loading.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Solana Mint" Project. README Source: JacobSterns/Magiceden-mint-bot

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