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ProxiFyre: Open Source SOCKS5 Proxifier for Windows

Project README

ProxiFyre: SOCKS5 Proxifier for Windows

This project is an advanced version of the Windows Packet Filter socksify demo. It enhances the base version with added support for UDP and multiple proxy instances. Additionally, it now reads its configuration from an app-config.json file.


The application now uses a configuration file named app-config.json. This JSON file should contain an array of configurations for different applications. Each configuration object should have the following properties:

  • appNames: An array of strings representing the names of applications this configuration applies to.
  • socks5ProxyEndpoint: A string that specifies the SOCKS5 proxy endpoint.
  • username: A string that specifies the username for the proxy.
  • password: A string that specifies the password for the proxy.

Here is an example configuration:

        "appNames": ["chrome", "chrome_canary"],
        "socks5ProxyEndpoint": "",
        "username": "username1",
        "password": "password1"
        "appNames": ["firefox", "firefox_dev"],
        "socks5ProxyEndpoint": "",
        "username": "username2",
        "password": "password2"

Quick Start Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and run the ProxiFyre application.

Pre-installation Steps

  1. Download and Install Windows Packet Filter (WinpkFilter): This is a critical dependency for our project. Please visit the Windows Packet Filter Github page to download and install the latest version.

Installation Steps

  1. Download the Latest Release: Visit our GitHub page to download the latest release of the ProxiFyre software.

  2. Unzip the Software: After downloading, extract the contents of the .zip file to your preferred location.

  3. Create app-config.json File: Following the template provided in the Configuration section of this document, create an app-config.json file. This file is crucial for the software to function properly. Save this file in the main application folder.

Running the Application

  1. Run the Application: Navigate to the directory where you extracted the software. Find the main application executable (.exe file) and run it. It's recommended to run the application as an administrator to ensure all functionalities work as expected.

Build Prerequisites

Before starting the build process, ensure the following requirements are met:

  1. Install vcpkg: You can download and install vcpkg from the official website here.

  2. Install Microsoft GSL library via vcpkg: Once vcpkg is installed, use it to download and install the Microsoft GSL library. Run the following commands in your terminal:

    vcpkg install ms-gsl:x86-windows ms-gsl:x64-windows ms-gsl:arm64-windows
  3. Add online NuGet Package Source: In some cases, you may need to add an online NuGet Package Source. To do this, navigate to Visual Studio->Tools->Options->NuGet Package Manager->Package Sources and add


This repository consists of three main projects:

1. ndisapi.lib

This is an adopted Windows Packet Filter NDISAPI static library project.

2. socksify

This project is a .Net C++/CLI class library that implements the local SOCKS5 router functionality.

3. ProxiFyre

This is a .Net-based Windows console application that employs the functionality provided by the socksify .Net C++/CLI class library.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Socksify" Project. README Source: wiresock/socksify
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Last Commit
1 year ago

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