So Stupid Search Versions Save

It's my honor to drive you fucking fire faster, to have more time with your Family and Sunshine.This tool is for those who often want to search for a string Deeply into a directory in Recursive mode, but not with the great tools: grep, ack, ripgrep .........every thing should be Small, Thin, Fast, Lazy....without Think and Remember too much ...一个工具最大的价值不是它有多少功能,而是它能够让你以多快的速度达成所愿......


4 years ago

here is the MacOSX's binary file, windows and linux users will get your best performance with native build from source


4 years ago

Already served within the company for two years

Here we just give macosx binary release, because I think linux user can do it in seconds by themself, and also windows users. Macosx users have become accustomed to enjoying the service of aristocratic enjoyment,:)