Smart Contract Search Engine Versions Save

Takes a link to a smart contract's raw ABI file and an RPC URL and then indexes all instances of that smart contract


4 years ago

This smart contract search engine has evolved and is still under development.

It was originally created and immediately deployed as the data discovery system for the FairPlay DApp on the CyberMiles MainNet < > since it's initial deployment it has not missed a beat.

Since then a myriad of other experimental use cases have been developed and tested. On one hand, this product strives to provide data within 1 second block times as part of the SecondState online BUIDL IDE ecosystem < >. On the other hand it also strives to index almost 1 million contracts on the Ethereum MainNet < > and still remain in real time.

The ethos of this product is to provide a free and open source product, which exclusively uses free and open source products. In addition this product strives to require nothing more than consumer grade (store bought hardware). The ultimate goal, it to efficiently and effectively provide data to Decentralized Applications (DApps) which run on mobile and hand-held devices (which are unable to run as full blockchain nodes themselves).