Slidr Versions Save

Easily add slide to dismiss functionality to an Activity


6 years ago
  • Added ScrimRenderer to improve GPU performance
  • Added custom implementation of ViewDragHelper to improve gesture detections to pickup only horizontal drags (see #42 & #45)
  • Added support for Fragments


8 years ago

Added setters to the SlidrConfig class that enables you to dynamically change the values of Slidr at runtime (i.e. status bar colors, thresholds, etc)


8 years ago

Updated compile and target SDK to 23 and updated Support Library to 23.0.1 Resolved #23 - Added Edge mode dragging where the gesture will only catch at the edge of the screen if the SlidrConfig has edge(true) configured


8 years ago

This version brings expanded capabilities to the SlidrConfig class allowing you to specify the background scrim color, it's start and ending alpha values (from 0 to 1) as well as two new SlidrPosition configurations:

  • SlidrPosition.VERTICAL - This allows you to swipe away the activity with both up and down gestures
  • SlidrPosition.HORIZONTAL - This allows you to swipe away the activity with both left and right gestures

You can also now specify the velocity and distance(in terms of % of the screen) thresholds for the slide gesture to take.


9 years ago

This version includes the ability to set a configuration, SlidrConfig to be exact, that allows you to set the interpolating status bar colors, the ViewDragHelper sensitivity, the sliding position/direction (via SlidrPosition.LEFT|RIGHT|TOP|BOTTOM).

I'm still working on making the gesture activate from the edge only and that should be featured in the next release.