Slack Neuralyzer Save

Ruby gem for clean up messages and files on Slack.

Project README

Slack Neuralyzer

Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate security MIT licensed

Slack Neuralyzer is a ruby gem for bulk delete messages and files on Slack channels.

The easiest way to clean up messages and files on Slack.


$ gem install slack_neuralyzer

Slack token


Getting Started

Show all channel names

slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -s

All user direct:
  001. leon
  002. slackbot
  003. cleanerbot

All channels (public):
  001. general
  002. random

All groups (private):
  001. private_channel

All multiparty direct:
  001. mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1
  002. mpdm-leon--slackbot-1

Delete message(s)

Rerun below command and use -e | --execute to actually delete the message(s).

  • Channel

-C | --channel -D | --direct -G | --group -M | --mpdirect

# Delete all user messages in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all

# Delete all user messages in leon direct channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -D leon -u all

# Delete all user messages in private_channel groups channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -G private_channel -u all

# Delete all user messages in mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 multiparty direct channel
# (can `use slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -s` to see mpdirect channle name)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -M mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 -u all
  • Specific user

-u | --user

# Delete leon messages in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u leon

# if you want to specific all users, you can type 'all'
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all
  • Specific Bot

-b | --bot

# Delete bots messages in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -b cleanerbot

# if you want to specific all bots, you can type 'all' (not bot users)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -b all
  • Delete message(s) between two dates

-A | --after -B | --before

# Delete all user messages in general channel at 20160101 to 20161212
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -A 20160101 -B 20161212
  • Delete message(s) with specified text

-R | --regex

# Delete all user messages with hello string in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -R hello

Delete file(s)

File types: all, spaces, snippets, images, gdocs, docs, zips, pdfs

Rerun below command and use -e | --execute to actually delete the message(s).

  • Channel

-C | --channel -D | --direct -G | --group -M | --mpdirect

# Delete all user upload all type file in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f all -C general -u all

# Delete leon upload all images file in leon direct channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f images -D leon -u leon

# Delete all user upload all pdfs file in private_channel groups channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f pdfs -G private_channel -u all

# Delete all user upload all zips file in mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 multiparty direct channel
# (can `use slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -s` to see mpdirect channle name)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f zips -M mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 -u all
  • Specific user and file type

-u | --user -f | --file

# Delete leon upload images file in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f images -C general -u leon
  • Delete file between two dates

-A | --after -B | --before

# Delete all user upload all type file in general channel at 20160101 to 20161212
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f all -C general -u all -A 20160101 -B 20161212

Generate log file

-l | --log

# Generate a log file in the current directory in ./slack_neuralyzer/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -A 20160101 -B 20161212 -l


-r | --rate

# Delay between API calls in seconds (default:0.05)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -r 0.01


-h | --help

    slack_neuralyzer [options]
    See for more information.

    -t, --token TOKEN                Slack API token (
    -s, --show                       Show all users, channels, groups and multiparty direct names
    -m, --message                    Specifies that the delete object is messages
    -f, --file TYPE                  Specifies that the delete object is files of a certain type (Type: all, spaces, snippets, images, gdocs, docs, zips, pdfs)
    -C, --channel CHANNEL            Public channel name (e.g., general, random)
    -D, --direct DIRECT              Direct messages channel name (e.g., leon)
    -G, --group GROUP                Private groups channel name
    -M, --mpdirect MPDIRECT          Multiparty direct messages channel name (e.g., mpdm-leon--bot-1 [--show option to see name])
    -u, --user USER                  Delete messages/files from the specific user (if you want to specific all users, you can type 'all')
    -b, --bot BOT                    Delete messages from the specific bot (not bot users, if you want to specific all bots, you can type 'all')
    -A, --after DATE                 Delete messages/files after than this time (YYYYMMDD)
    -B, --before DATE                Delete messages/files before than this time (YYYYMMDD)
    -R, --regex TEXT                 Delete messages with specified text (regular expression)
    -e, --execute                    Execute the delete task
    -l, --log                        Generate a log file in the current directory
    -r, --rate RATE                  Delay between API calls in seconds (default:0.1)
    -v, --version                    Show the SlackNeuralyzer version
    -h, --help                       Show this message


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

  • Copyright (c) 2016 Leon Ji. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
  • The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Slack Neuralyzer" Project. README Source: mgleon08/slack_neuralyzer
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 years ago

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