Sketchup Ruby Debugger Versions Save

Ruby API debugger for SketchUp 2014 and later.

1 month ago

This release builds the debugger for SketchUp 2024.0 with Ruby 2.2.

64bit binaries for both platforms.

2 years ago

Rebuild of the debugger for SketchUp 2022.0 - supporting Apple Silicon arm64.

3 years ago

This release builds the debugger for SketchUp 2021.0 with Ruby 2.7.

64bit binaries for both platforms.

5 years ago

64-bit binaries for SketchUp 2019 and 2020.

7 years ago

64-bit binaries for SketchUp 2017 and SketchUp 2018.

This release contains the latest improvements by @seraku24.

7 years ago

This release builds the debugger for SketchUp 2017 with Ruby 2.2.

64bit binaries for both platforms.

9 years ago

This release adds support for SketchUp 2015. The Windows zip file contains 32-bit and 64-bit SURubyDebugger.dll files. SURubyDebugger.dylib is a universal binary so it works with SketchUp 2014 and 2015.

9 years ago

Moving the binary distribution to the Releases feature of GitHub. Thanks bfoz for the suggestion. Closes #4.