Sketch SF UI Font Fixer Versions Save

A Sketch plugin that adjusts the character spacing on text layers using iOS 9's SF UI Text/SF UI Display fonts to what it would be when used in an iOS app.


6 years ago

This is a beta release of this plugin which automatically fixes the system fonts instead of having to run the plugin each time.

  • Automatically updates character spacing for the correct size
  • Automatically updates the font, based on your font size (less than 20 points: SF UI/Pro Text, greater or equal than 20: SF UI/Pro Display)
  • Changes reflect immediately in the inspector.

This update includes support for Sketch 48. [edit: Tested and working up to Sketch 52]

Caution: This plugin may break in future Sketch versions due to its nature of hooking into internal APIs.


6 years ago

Apple has released new fonts: SF Pro Text and SF Pro Display

iOS continues to use the same .SFUIText and .SFUIDisplay names in the system, and the tracking is identical to the original SF UI Text/SF UI Display.

Learn more here:

Download the fonts in the bundles available here:


7 years ago