Simple Scheduler Versions Save

An enhancement for Heroku Scheduler + Sidekiq for scheduling jobs at specific times.


4 years ago
  • Remove Ruby 2.3.8, 2.4.9 and Rails 4.2. Add Rails 6.0 and Ruby 2.7.0 #59


4 years ago

Build Status

  • Revert PR #53 for backfilling scheduled jobs #57

Thanks to @MSeneadza for reporting an issue with jobs being rescheduled because of the new code for backfilling jobs in the rake task. This simply reverts the changes that caused the bug and we will revisit whether we should add the backfilling code back in.


4 years ago


@MSeneadza has reported a major bug in v1.1.0 that can cause your scheduled jobs to run twice. 😢


  • Backfill scheduled jobs if they are missing within the queue ahead time #53

Breaking Changes

The :at configuration option is now required. This is required because we can no longer rely only on the last existing run time to determine when the next job will run now that we're backfilling the existing jobs.

If you previously were not setting the :at option, you will receive a SimpleScheduler::At::InvalidTime error if you upgrade to v1.1.0 without adding the configuration option to your simple_scheduler.yml file.


6 years ago

Build Status

It's about time we release Version 1.0!

Simple Scheduler has been labeled as "production ready" since January 27, 2017:

screen shot 2017-11-02 at 7 43 24 pm

We've been using Simple Scheduler in production in Simple In/Out since December 13, 2016:

screen shot 2017-11-02 at 7 41 54 pm

We have received wonderful feedback throughout the last year from the open source community. That feedback has helped us squash some bugs and improve our documentation, making Simple Scheduler more reliable and even easier to use.

We don't have a ton of ideas for what we can do to continue improving Simple Scheduler, but we will definitely continue to support new versions of Sidekiq and Rails.

Thanks for helping to make Simple Scheduler awesome! Now on to the release notes...


  • Allow custom Sidekiq queue name for FutureJob #41

Breaking Changes

If you're using a custom configuration file instead of the default config/simple_scheduler.yml, you will need to make the following changes:

Set the path to your custom configuration file using the SIMPLE_SCHEDULER_CONFIG environment variable:


Update your Heroku Scheduler job to remove passing the config file path to the rake task:

simple_scheduler <= 0.3.4:

rake simple_scheduler[config/simple_scheduler.staging.yml]

simple_scheduler 1.0.0:

rake simple_scheduler


6 years ago

Build Status

  • Run YML configuration file through ERB #29


6 years ago

Build Status

  • Add support for Rails 5.1.2 #35


6 years ago

Build Status

  • Don't allow Rails 5.1.2 until updated for new durations #33


6 years ago

Build Status

  • Add support for Sidekiq 5.0 #32


7 years ago

Build Status

  • Add beginning and end to :at regex to better validate the value #22
  • Add descriptions for :queue_ahead and :tz options in README #23
  • Add additional information about the scheduled_time passed to jobs #25
  • Fix bug where optional job arguments raises exception #26

Breaking changes from v0.2.*:

By improving the regex pattern used to parse the :at time in #22, you may now get a SimpleScheduler::At::InvalidTime error when you previously would not see an error. This is preferred because an invalid time would possibly schedule your jobs at unwanted times rather than letting you know that the time couldn't be parsed accurately.


7 years ago
  • Fix error with :at times without a specified hour during the last hour of the day #16
    • Closes #13
    • Thanks @MSeneadza, for tracking this down!