Simple Java Mail Versions Save

Simple API, Complex Emails (Jakarta Mail smtp wrapper)


2 weeks ago

#502: [Bug] Message headers not treated with case insensitivity as per RFC, causing deviating headers to slip through the filters


3 weeks ago
  • #495: Add config support for 'verifyingServerIdentity' with SMTP, also: since Angus 1.1.0 (8.6.0) server identity checks are on by default and can be countered by mailerBuilder.verifyingServerIdentity(false)
  • #501: [dependency] Update outlook-message-parser dependency, which has improved support for X500 addresses
  • #499 (fix): [maintenance] Added missing finer-grained DKIM Spring Boot properties


3 weeks ago

#500: [bug] Fix parsing addresses from headers in EML files, like a Disposition-Notification-To with umlaut


1 month ago
  • #499: [Enhancement] Expose finer-grained DKIM configuration through the builder api and disable 'l-param' by default)

NOTE: this release changes the default for DKIM signing from 'l-param' true to false. If you rely on this feature, you need to enable it explicitly. Refer to the DKIM documentation for the update.


1 month ago
  • v8.7.1 (20-March-2024): #498: [feature] Make S/MIME algorithms configurable (signature algorithm for signing, key encapsulation and cipher algorithms for encryption)
  • v8.7.1 (20-March-2024): #497: [bug] Order of attachments is lost when converting a MimeMessage to an Email

NOTE: this breaks the API for S/MIME related builder methods. Refer to the S/MIME documentation for the new API.


1 month ago

Don't use this version, as the versioning was messed up here. Refer to 8.7.1 instead.


2 months ago

#491: [bug] Attachment body parts should separately parse Content-Disposition and ContentID, possible resulting in an downloadable attachment that is also embedded


3 months ago

#493: [bug] don't require smime-module when adding collection of headers (also used when copying email)


3 months ago

#487: Move header filtering from MimeMessageParser to EmailConverter, thereby enabling access to all parsed headers when using MimeMessageParser directly #489: Finished update to Angus Mail by updating activation dependency


3 months ago

#489 Update to Angus Mail