Shevchenko Js Save

JavaScript library for declension of Ukrainian anthroponyms

Project README


JavaScript library for declension of Ukrainian anthroponyms

User Guide



To install the library using npm package manager, use the following command:

npm install --save shevchenko


The library comes in three formats: CommonJS module, ECMAScript module, and a minified UMD bundle. You can select the format that best suits your needs.


To import the library as a CommonJS module, use the following code:

const shevchenko = require('shevchenko');


To import the library as an ECMAScript module, use the following code:

import * as shevchenko from 'shevchenko';


To import the library as a UMD bundle, include the following script tag in your HTML code:

<‍script type="text/javascript" src=""><‍/script>

Use Cases

Personal names declension

This example shows how to use the library to decline Ukrainian anthroponyms.

const shevchenko = require('shevchenko');

async function main() {
  const input = {
    gender: 'masculine',
    givenName: 'Тарас',
    patronymicName: 'Григорович',
    familyName: 'Шевченко'

  const output = await shevchenko.inVocative(input);

  console.log(output); // { givenName: "Тарасе", patronymicName: "Григоровичу", familyName: "Шевченку" }

main().catch((error) => console.error(error));

Automatic grammatical gender detection

This example shows how to use the library to automatically detect the grammatical gender of a Ukrainian anthroponym.

const shevchenko = require('shevchenko');

async function main() {
  const anthroponym = {
    givenName: 'Лариса',
    patronymicName: 'Петрівна',
    familyName: 'Косач-Квітка'

  const gender = await shevchenko.detectGender(anthroponym); // "feminine"
  if (gender == null) {
    throw new Error('Failed to detect grammatical gender.');

  const input = { ...anthroponym, gender };

  const output = await shevchenko.inVocative(input);

  console.log(output); // { givenName: "Ларисо", patronymicName: "Петрівно", familyName: "Косач-Квітко" }

main().catch((error) => console.error(error));

Usage via HTTP API

The library can be integrated into your project via HTTP API. Please refer to shevchenko Docker image for the additional instructions.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Shevchenko Js" Project. README Source: tooleks/shevchenko-js