Sfml Tmxloader Versions Save

SFML 2.x based tmx tilemap parser for files created with Tiled tile map editor


7 years ago

Named version 2.0.0 because this breaks the existing API. Not yet complete, but likely to be the final release (bar any community contributions) due to it being superceded by the tmxlite project.

New features include:

  • Numerous bug fixes
  • Embedded zip support so no more linking to zlib
  • Properly exported API for building as a shared library on Windows
  • Updated build chain with VS2013 project included and improved CMake files


8 years ago

This release includes the new rendering features such as breaking maps into smaller, optimised chunks speeding up rendering of large maps, as well as providing the ability to load map data directly from an XML string stored in memory. Many bug fixes are also included and this version is highly recommended over previous releases.


10 years ago

Stable and full featured, this is the first full release of the SFML based Tiled tmx map loader.