Serverless Media Portal Versions Save

Ready-to-deploy webapp for sharing home videos: a React frontend with a AWS Lambda backend using FFmpeg to process videos. Created using Serverless Framework.


1 year ago

[2.0.1] - 2023-05-08


  • Minor housekeeping:
    • Broken links in the readme fixed
    • Packages updated for both frontend and backend


  • Fixes #10, whereby first time Lambda users got an error due to restrictions automatically applied to their account. The RAM for the thumbnailMaker Lambda was lowered to 3008MB to prevent this issue.


2 years ago

[2.0.0] - 2022-02-23

Version 2 brings a big refactoring of the backend and new features and UI improvements to the frontend.

Users who are currently running v1 should follow the upgrade guide. It should only take a few minutes and you won't lose any of your existing data.


  • Storing of environment variables in a standalone file - no need to edit the big serverless.yml file
    • No more double-deploying the backend when first setting up
    • No more breaking changes when editing the serverless.yml file
  • Ability to delete (new) comments on videos (#2)
  • Ability to edit tags after a video has been created
  • Improved security checks when adding and deleting users and tags


  • Sidebar made smaller and top banner made completely white to improve the overall aesthetic
  • Process for adding and deleting users improved
  • Process for adding and deleting tags improved
  • README significantly shortened and simplified
  • Major refactor of the backend to make way for better testing and future development


  • Certain thumbnails not displaying properly (#1)
  • Deleting a video doesn't delete the associated video and image files from S3 (#3)

What's Changed


2 years ago

[1.1.3] - 2022-01-29


  • README updated so that users are not instructed to install the latest version of Serverless Framework, which will now default to the newly released v3 which is not yet supported by the project. Instead, the latest v2 release (v2.72.0) - i.e. the latest version without breaking changes - has been specified.


2 years ago

[1.1.2] - 2021-12-29


  • Minor changes to the README to improve readability.


  • Re-applied the code which preserves a video's aspect ratio when generating thumbnails for it.


2 years ago

[1.1.1] - 2021-12-29


  • A potential issue with the Lambda for generating thumbnails. Each time a video is uploaded the Lambda downloads the video into /tmp/. However, the Lambda assumed that /tmp/ would be empty each time it is called, which cannot be guaranteed as files from previous invocations can sometimes remain in temp storage. This fix makes the Lambda wipe the /tmp/ folder before processing a new video.
  • Minor code refactoring


2 years ago

[1.1.0] - 2021-06-24


  • Thumbnails are no longer hardcoded at 80x140px. Instead, the aspect ratio of the video is preserved whilst maintaining the height of the thumbnails at 140px. They will be however wide they need to be to preserve the aspect ratio of the video they are made from.
  • Updated to remove the mention of the thumbnail issue


2 years ago

[v1.0.0] - 2021-06-22

v1.0.0 released! 🎉