Self Driving Golf Cart Versions Save

Be Driven 🚘


5 years ago

Version 0.2.0 release.

Time for another release. Here are the major changes and improvements.

1. Segmentation Added

The semantic segmentation system has finally been added. It has its own msg type. The package is located in here

2. Autopilot

Combined steering and throttle prediction into one system. (to streamline computing). The new system can be found here

3. Simulation

Updated the package after the CARLA 0.9.2 release. Now can run the system with no issues.

4. Other small changes, mostly documentation improvements


5 years ago

0.1.2 Release Summary

  1. implemented object detection (tiny-yolo v2)
  2. added simulated camera

For the next release

  1. update detection to yolo v3
  2. integrated the simulated video feed to steering/acceleration system
  3. add segmentation to ROS
  4. add accelerator predictor & detection & seg to speed controlling module


Neil @ [email protected]


6 years ago

Made some improvements to the visualization software. Major changes are:

  1. Object detection and visualization implemented
  2. Two kinds of steering visualization implemented
  3. Created an info screen for displaying useful stuff
  4. Implemented class activation for the steering model.

Developed and maintained: [email protected] | @NeilNie


6 years ago

Main changes:

  • added some debugging features
  • made the code safer, i.e. added error & exception handling
  • added a GUI for driving
  • added an image-based localization module --> have not implemented on hardware
  • other small stuff


If you have questions, comments or issues related to the code or project, please open an Issue.


Developer maintaining: Neil Nie [email protected]


6 years ago

After finishing phase 1 and phase 2.1 of the development process, we are ready to make our first release. Mostly completed components include:

  1. end-to-end deep learning steering predictions with different types of networks.
  2. semantic segmentation with ENet and CityScapes dataset
  3. dataset collection
  4. control the steering system electronically
  5. control the brakes & accelerator electronically