Scriptedforms Versions Save

Quickly create live-update GUIs for Python packages using Markdown and simple HTML elements.


5 years ago


6 years ago

Release Notes

Breaking changes

File change sections no longer run on form-load by default. Now to make the file change section run on form-load you need to append the new onLoad parameter (see New features below).


The always tag on start sections is now deprecated. To achieve the same result swap to using the onLoad parameter. The always parameter will be removed in a future release.

New features

The onLoad parameter was added to all sections. If the onLoad parameter is present the code within that given section will also run whenever the form page is loaded.


6 years ago

Release Notes

This is a release primarily focused on revamping the <variable-table> element.

A windows-portable version has been attached to this release. This comes with Python and dependencies all packaged up into a portable zip file. This portable version can be downloaded from

Breaking changes

None in this release

Feature deprecation

Using name parameters within button-sections and all variables has been deprecated. Deprecation notice has been added. For variables use label instead of name. For button-sections use value instead of name.

Other changes

Completely revamped variable-table. It can now have toggles, tick boxes, dropdown select elements, strings, all within table elements. The new parameters on variable-table are typeEdit and inputTypes. An example showing the usage of these parameters is over at

Implemented inline code within sections. This is designed to be used to maximise separation of code and template allowing the majority of the code to be written into a python file and then imported in. This can be combined with a section-filechange enabling the form to re-import the python file whenever the python file changes. An example doing this is available within

Multiple bug fixes.


6 years ago

Attempt at making a portable version

This release was an attempt at making a portable ScriptedForms.


6 years ago


6 years ago

Breaking Changes

Only python fenced blocks now run allowing the use of standard code blocks to display code items within sections without it being sent to Python.

Feature Deprecation

New API for number, slider, and dropdown. Old API kept temporarily with deprecation notice. Plan on removing old API at version 0.8.0. Keeps only variable names within the braces. Allows for variable names that contain commas such as a single item within a 2D numpy array. More consistent with vanilla html.

Other Changes

Fix output jitter. When updating outputs they used to disappear and reappear causing page jitter. Now the output container height only changes after the calculation is complete.

Fixed string escaping. Backslashes used to multiply. Fixed the string escaping logic.

Added debug area at top for when there is a Python error. Some internal Python errors used to occur silently. Now they are appended to the top of the form.

Added spacer to bottom of form so that the bottom of the form can be scrolled past.


6 years ago

So that variable definitions can use commas within them (such as a given index within a 2-d numpy array) the use of commas to separate items within variable elements has been deprecated.

Instead will rely on html parameters.

In version 0.6.0 separating values by commas will no longer work.


6 years ago

This marks the first release after the pivot to making scriptedforms be primarily a package GUI tool.