Scenic Starter Pack Save

A starter pack for Scenic Development with simple livereload built-in

Project README

Scenic Starter Pack is a kit that helps you easily get up and running with Scenic. It is directly based on the scenic_new starter application but it adds live reload. Simply edit a file in the project and save it, then it will reload the currently selected scene!

To try it out after you have the project running (see below) in lib/scenes/components.ex try changing the "Primary" button to instead read "First!" and you should see the button on the text change.


In this demo I replace the text "World" with "Scenic", then change the color of the text to purple. Next I change the shape of the bezier line.

Screencast Demo


Clone the repository

mix deps.get




iex -S mix

Then edit a file and you will see the changes reflected live!

How it works

Live compilation is provided ScenicLiveReload (which uses ExSync to do the heavy lifting). The flow goes like this:

  1. You edit a .ex file in your editor
  2. ExSync detects the file edit and recompiles and reloads the file you edited
  3. If there are no further file edits than ExSync calls the configured :reload_callback
  4. The default :reload_callback calls into ScenicLiveReload which finds the current root scene and kills it
  5. The root scene's supervisor then restarts the root scene with the new code that you just wrote

Adding your own scene

No special hooks are needed to add your own scene. You just create it and switch to it, likely using code like ViewPort.set_root(viewport, {MyApp.Scene.SceneName, nil})

Optionally add your new scene to the dropdown list in the ScenicStarter.Component.Nav component

Optionally, if you want your new scene to load on startup then add set it as the second or only scene in config/config.exs in the :default_scene tuple

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Scenic Starter Pack" Project. README Source: axelson/scenic-starter-pack
Open Issues
Last Commit
4 years ago

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