Scala Forklift Versions Save

Type-safe data migration tool for Slick, Git and beyond.


7 years ago

New Features

  • Scala-Forklift now supports a new type of migration: APIMigration, where you can use the syntax from slick-migration-api. You can find an example in example/migrations/src_migrations/main/scala/3.scala:
import slick.migration.api.TableMigration
import slick.migration.api.H2Dialect
import com.liyaos.forklift.slick.APIMigration
import datamodel.v2.schema.tables._

object M3 {
  implicit val dialect = new H2Dialect

  MyMigrations.migrations = MyMigrations.migrations :+ APIMigration( 3 )(
      renameColumn(_.first, "firstname").
      renameColumn(_.last, "lastname"))

To learn more about slick-migration-api, please check


  • Scala-Forklift is now released under the Apache 2.0 license. (#26)



7 years ago

If you are using Scala-Forklift with Slick 3.2.0, this is the version you need. For Slick 3.1.1, please use Scala-Forklift 0.2.2.

This is basically the same version as v0.2.2, except for a few changes made to support Slick 3.2.0-M1. The changes include:

  • Stop using all the deprecated classes/methods in Slick 3.2.0-M1.
  • Change the code generator's genCode method to work with the changed behavior of Slick profile's toString method.


7 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Migrations in MigrationSummary file is now properly ordered (#21 by @kshepard).